Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Scientists find oldest occurrence of arthropods preserved in amber

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

An international team of scientists has discovered the oldest record of arthropods?invertebrate animals that include insects, arachnids, and crustaceans?preserved in amber. The specimens, one fly and two mites found in millimeter-scale droplets of amber from northeastern Italy, are about 100 million years older than any other amber arthropod ever collected. The group's findings, which are published today in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, pave the way for a better evolutionary understanding of the most diverse group of organisms in the world.

"Amber is an extremely valuable tool for paleontologists because it preserves specimens with microscopic fidelity, allowing uniquely accurate estimates of the amount of evolutionary change over millions of years," said corresponding author David Grimaldi, a curator in the American Museum of Natural History's Division of Invertebrate Zoology and a world authority on amber and fossil arthropods.

Globules of fossilized resin are typically called amber. Amber ranges in age from the Carboniferous (about 340 million years ago) to about 40,000 years ago, and has been produced by myriad plants, from tree ferns to flowering trees, but predominantly by conifers. Even though arthropods are more than 400 million years old, until now, the oldest record of the animals in amber dates to about 130 million years. The newly discovered arthropods break that mold with an age of 230 million years. They are the first arthropods to be found in amber from the Triassic Period.

The amber droplets, most between 2-6 millimeters long, were buried in outcrops high in the Dolomite Alps of northeastern Italy and excavated by Eugenio Ragazzi and Guido Roghi of the University of Padova. About 70,000 of the miniscule droplets were screened for inclusions ?encased animal and plant material?by a team of German scientists led by Alexander Schmidt, of Georg-August University, G?ttingen, resulting in the discovery of the three arthropods. The tiny arthropods were studied by Grimaldi and Evert Lindquist, an expert on gall mites at Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada in Ottawa.

Two of the specimens are new species of mites, named Triasacarus fedelei and Ampezzoa triassica. They are the oldest fossils in an extremely specialized group called Eriophyoidea that has about 3,500 living species, all of which feed on plants and sometimes form abnormal growth called "galls." The ancient gall mites are surprisingly similar to ones seen today.

"You would think that by going back to the Triassic you'd find a transitional form of gall mite, but no," Grimaldi said. "Even 230 million years ago, all of the distinguishing features of this family were there?a long, segmented body; only two pairs of legs instead of the usual four found in mites; unique feather claws, and mouthparts."

The ancient mites likely fed on the leaves of the tree that ultimately preserved them, a conifer in the extinct family Cheirolepidiaceae. Although about 97 percent of today's gall mites feed on flowering plants, Triasacarus fedelei and Ampezzoa triassica existed prior to the appearance and rapid radiation of flowering plants. This finding reveals the evolutionary endurance of the mites.

"We now know that gall mites are very adaptable," Grimaldi said. "When flowering plants entered the scene, these mites shifted their feeding habits, and today, only 3 percent of the species live on conifers. This shows how gall mites tracked plants in time and evolved with their hosts."

The third amber specimen, a fly, cannot be identified because, outside of the insect's antennae, its body parts were not well preserved. But now that the researchers have shown that amber preserved Triassic arthropods, they are eager to find more specimens.

"There was a huge change in the flora and fauna in the Triassic because it was right after one of the most profound mass extinctions in history, at the end of the Permian," Grimaldi said. "It's an important time to study if you want to know how life evolved."


American Museum of Natural History:

Thanks to American Museum of Natural History for this article.

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Tuesday, August 28, 2012

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Whether you run a small sized business or a large scale enterprise, you will require accurate, consistent and chronological bookkeeping services to constitute certain that you are able to access reliable data as and when ?
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Friday, August 24, 2012

Newbies Guide to Preparing for Your Next Presentation | Business 2 ...

Are you about to start presenting your content in a public speaking format? Are you about to workshop your knowledge to your target audience?

Here are some tips I have picked up along the way:

Connect and be relevent

Research is the key to being well recieved and speaking to your audiences needs take just that, research. Who are you speaking to? What are the current challenges in the niche these people are in?

e.g. If you are speaking to a local chamber of commerce you will already know that most of the business people you will be speaking to will be concerned about local issues, local business, growing their businesses, how they can compete in their local market etc..Now what other issues would they be concerned about and is that relevent to your presentation?

If necessary ask the person who asked you to speak what main topic would be most relevent to the room and base your presentation around that.

Get to know who?s in the room

Get there early, speak to the people who are about to be your audience, shake hands and begin to create rapport. Most of them will ask if you are the speaker and either ask what you will be speaking on or if they have read their email about your presentation they will often begin to talk to you about a challenge they have in that area.

Make them laughListen closely and keep those clues in mind as you give your presentation, if possible carefully use some of the examples you have been given in your presentation and give tips and strategies around those so that your audience feels that you are speaking to their issues.

I love to give a few really funny examples of people getting social media really wrong, when they laugh it means they are actively engaged and that means they are listening. Or if I am telling some of my life story I let them know just how fallible I am, or I tell them something cute or funny about one of my children or grandkids.

Add Value and deliver useful content

I go to a lot of presentations for one reason or another and some are just not worth the effort at all. The content given leads to more questions than it answers and while this is one strategy to get more work, it also leaves me feeling cold about the presenter. They have not added value to my life in their presentation for me means they may not deliver value even when I am paying them.

Tell stories

Tell your stories and deliver your content as a story. when I was teaching science the University would send trainee teachers to my classes to see me teaching science in story form. Apparently it was unheard of as science is meant to be dry and full of facts. Of course it is but it sounds so much better and keeps the attention of the audience when those dry facts are told in story form.


In other words take time to breathe, pauses allow time for content to sink in, they allow both you and your audience to catch their breathe both literally and figuratively. Your content will seem richer and your delivery more professional if you allow yourself to get used to being quiet between paragraphs of content. Don?t forget that all important dramatic pause which can be programmed in at certain moments in your content for effect.

Watch yourself deliver

Have someone video you while you are presenting and then watch it back and see where you could improve AND see where you do well.

Anchor in confidence

If you don?t know how to do anchoring, I am not going to go into the full lesson on that right now. But it is a little like creating a ritual that means certain things, so create a ritual that means confidence, self expression, creativity and teaching and practice that ritual before every presentation. It could be a little card with an inspirational quote or reminder on it that you read before you go on, it could be pumping your arm into the air like a champion and saying yes! I know a huge international speaker who uses a version of this one and he charges his champ pumps with eight specific words and by the time he says the last word which is YES! he is himself pumped and ready to walk out full of confidence and charismatically charged. It?s your anchor make it work for you.

Speak often

Use any excuse to speak, emcee for others, speak for free and on different topics and to different audiences. The more you do it the easier it will be and the better you will be. Practic makes perfect.


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Thursday, August 23, 2012

Postal service gets OK for 'junk mail' discount plan

By Associated Press

The government body that oversees the U.S. Postal Service is approving a plan that gives one of the nation's largest direct marketers a postage discount on advertising flyers.

The three-year deal approved by the Postal Regulatory Commission is intended to boost use of the mail system by Valassis Communications Inc., which sends mass coupon mailings to homes under its RedPlum ad bundles.

The commission said the plan should add $4.7 million to $15.3 million to Postal Service coffers over the course of the deal.

Many of the nation's newspapers oppose the plan, which gives a rate cut to its biggest competitor. The Newspaper Association of America said that for a meager benefit, about $1 billion in annual newspaper industry ad revenue could be put at risk.?

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? 2011 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


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Wall-to-Wall Books: Lakeside Reunion, by Lisa Jordan

4 Stars


Bed-and-breakfast owner Lindsey Porter prays she won't run into Stephen Chase when she returns to Shelby Lake. Five years ago, the cop jilted her to marry another woman, and Lindsey fled town. But no sooner does she hit city limits than Stephen pulls her over for a broken taillight. Despite the past, he's still able to stir up Lindsey's old feelings for him. Now a widower and single dad, Stephen recognizes a second chance when he sees one. And he'll do anything to make Lindsey trust in God and take a risk for love?again.??


Lisa Jordan has been writing for over a decade, taking a hiatus to earn her degree in early childhood education. By day, she operates an in-home family childcare business. By night, she writes contemporary Christian romances. Being a wife to her real-life hero and mother to two young adult men overflow her cup of blessings. In her spare time, she loves reading, knitting, and hanging out with family and friends.?


This was a good book, sweet, I liked the storyline and the characters. It was interesting enough to keep me reading.

But - it definitely was not as good as the second book "Lakeside Family". The characters were simpler the storyline was simpler but yet it was a little confusing at times. Also it was VERY predictable with little or no twists. All that said - it still was a good book and I did enjoy it!

The great thing about it is that the second book (in my opinion) is so much better that it shows that the author's writing got better. If there is a third book in this series, I will definitely be reading it.

Both books take place in the same town of Shelby Lake using many of the same characters. In this one you meet Lindsey who is still haunted by the death of her father, doesn't understand her mom's need to move on, and is unable to forgive Stephen for leaving her five years ago. You also meet Stephen who had to wrong one to right another. He had to live with his mistakes and tried to make the right decisions knowing that someone would get hurt.?

This story gives you lots of chances to think - "What would I do if...?"

What would you do if you had a one night stand and that woman was now raising the child you knew nothing about? What would you do if the man you were engaged to left you for a woman he had a fling with two years ago? What would you do if you had a second chance with that man? What would you do if the memories of your father's death were controlling your decisions?


All in all this was a very nice Christian love story. It is very clean with good values and clean language.

Step into Shelby Lake in this Love inspired Romance series.

I bought this e-book for my nook after reading "Lakeside Family".



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Tuesday, August 21, 2012

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Native American spiritual beliefs influential in spurring youth to avoid drugs and alcohol

ScienceDaily (Aug. 20, 2012) ? New research indicates that urban native American youth who follow American Indian traditional spiritual beliefs are less likely to use drugs and alcohol. Arizona State University social scientists will present their findings at the 107th Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association in Denver, Colorado.

The study, "Spirituality and Religion: Intertwined Protective Factors for Substance Use Among Urban American Indian Youth," was recently published in The American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse. The authors are: Stephen Kulis, the study's principal investigator and ASU School of Social and Family Dynamics professor; David R. Hodge, ASU School of Social Work associate professor; Stephanie L. Ayers, ASU Southwest Interdisciplinary Research Center associate director of research; Eddie F. Brown, ASU American Indian Studies professor and American Indian Policy Institute executive director; and Flavio F. Marsiglia, ASU School of Social Work professor.

"Most American Indians now live in cities rather than tribal communities. Our study is one of the few to address the role of spirituality and religion among urban Native youth, recognizing the unique histories of cultural integration that characterize today's urban American Indian communities and the complex belief systems and practices that sustain them in the urban landscape," Kulis said.

Among the general native American youth population, higher rates of substance (both drug and alcohol) abuse are reported than among their non-native American counterparts. They also are more likely to use heavier amounts, initiate substance use earlier, and have more severe consequences from substance use, according to past research.

Native Americans typically do not separate spirituality from other areas of their lives, making it a complex, cultural and intertwined aspect of their daily existence.

Researchers found that adherence to native American beliefs was the strongest predictor of anti-drug attitudes, norms, and expectations. Concerning substance use, aspects of spirituality and religion associated with lower levels of use were affiliation with the Native American Church and following Christian beliefs.

Data for the study were collected from native American students enrolled in five urban middle schools within a large southwestern city in 2009. The average age of the 123 respondents was 12.6 years old.

Most of the study respondents expressed strong anti-drug and alcohol beliefs, with the majority stating that they "definitely would not" use alcohol, cigarettes, or marijuana if given an opportunity (55 percent) and that it was "definitely not okay" for students their age to use those substances.

Respondents also felt that their parents (78 percent) and grandparents (69 percent) would be "very angry" if they used drugs or alcohol and 51 percent stated they were "very sure" that they would reject any substance offers.

Also notable was that about half (53 percent) had resisted offers of drugs in the past 30 days.

Spirituality was reflected as an important aspect in students' lives. More than 80 percent of respondents said that spirituality held some importance to them and was part of their lives. Seventy-nine percent of the students felt it was "somewhat" or "very important" to follow traditional American Indian beliefs and about half felt it was important to follow Christian beliefs.

However, a general sense of spirituality that did not refer specifically to native American traditions, beliefs, or culture was not found to be a deterrent against substance use.

"Rituals and ceremonies have helped American Indian communities adapt to change, integrate elements of different tribes, infuse aspects of Western organized religions, and make them their own," according to the paper.

In addition, the paper states that possessing a feeling of belonging to traditions from both American Indian and Christian cultures may foster integration of the two worlds in which urban American Indian youth live.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by American Sociological Association (ASA), via Newswise.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Monday, August 20, 2012

Consumer Attitudes and Online Retail Dynamics in France | Business

Business | Business | * Written by sandhya naie | Monday, 20 August 2012 02:02 | Word Count: 789

Product Synopsis Provides in-depth analysis of the latest trends in online consumer shopping, covering drivers of online shopping, consumer insights, market dynamics (covering 25 product categories), and reviews of the latest best practice in online retail site design. Based on the latest data, the report not only provides details of the size and growth of this increasingly important channel, it also provides essential insight into the penetration of online sales by product groups, how growth has developed over time, and key drivers of this market in the future.">

Introduction and Landscape

Why was the report written?
?Consumer Attitudes and Online Retail Development in France? is the result of Canadean?s extensive market research covering the online retail industry in France. It provides the magnitude, growth, share, and dynamics of the online retail market in France. It is an essential tool for companies active across France?s online retail value chain and for new companies considering entry into France online retail market. It provides data for historic and forecast online retail sales, and also includes the business environment and country risk related to France?s online retail environment. By examining best practice from leading national large-scale online retailers (but specifically excluding the likes of Amazon whose sites are well-known and vary little by country), as well as reviewing innovative approaches from smaller companies, the report provides insights and ideas about how best to approach growing online sales for your business. Business Report

What is the current market landscape and what is changing?
The online retail industry in the country is highly dominated by pure-play retailers compared to multi-channel retailers. The new trends offered by the e-retailers such as better tariff offers (including refund of the difference), free shipping, and flash sales, create an added advantage for retailers.

What are the key drivers behind recent market changes?
Consumers have been reacting to the effects of the global recession, including the following recovery period, on their discretionary spending, and retail markets have been no exception. While the country by country market changes have varied, nowhere has been left totally untouched. This report quantitatively examines the components of change in the market by looking at historic and future growth patterns, including how changes in consumer behavior have affected the online retail sector for different product categories.

Key Features and Benefits
Understand the consumer behavior and online trends in France.
Understand which products will be the major winners and losers in the coming years.
Learn from best practice approaches outlined in the case studies of leading online retailers.
Improve market and strategic planning using highly granular, forward-looking market data. Detailed category coverage is provided, covering 25 products across eight product groups that include: Apparel, Accessories, Luggage and Leather Goods, Books, News and Stationery, Electricals and Electronics, Food and Grocery, Furniture and Floor Coverings, Home and Garden Products, Music, Video and Entertainment Software, and Sports and Leisure Equipment.

Assess the impact of economic recession and recovery on market growth.

Key Market Issues
Data security and user-friendly sites are factors for slow m-commerce growth in France.

Low broadband speed is one of the drawbacks for online shopping as retailers cannot provide rich content and video describing the products, which make the sites user-friendly.

Key Highlights
The share of online retail sales towards total retail sales increased from 3.4% in 2006 to over 5.6% in 2011, and is expected to increase to 7.9% in 2016.
In terms of online market penetration, Music, video and entertainment software was the leading category, with 36.0% of purchases being made online in 2011.

1 Introduction
1.1 What is this Report About?
1.2 Definitions
1.2.1 This report provides 2011 actual sales; while forecasts are provided for 2012 ? 2016
1.2.2 Changes to terms used in the Canadean taxonomy
1.3 Summary Methodology
1.3.1 Overview
1.3.2 The triangulated market sizing method
1.3.3 Industry surveys in the creation of retail market data
1.3.4 Quality control and standardized processes
2 Consumer Insight: Online Shopping Attitudes and Behaviours
2.1 Overview of the France Online Shopping Environment
2.1.1 Internet penetration in France reached 89% in end of 2011
2.1.2 The broadband penetration in France was 39% by the end of 2011

For more information kindly visit :
Music, Video and Entertainment Software Retailing in Emerging Asia: Market Guide to 2016

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Author of this article: sandhya naie.

sandhya naie joined FAFY - Free Article For You on Thursday, 16 February 2012.


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Sunday, August 19, 2012

Two guys talking about Social Security and Medicare (Americablog)

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Last blast of summer

Live music, children's activities, a host of local food and arts-and-crafts vendors, plus a be ...

Arts and Crafts, mountain style

For those lucky enough to vacation in the Asheville, North Carolina area last week, you were treated to an annual event that packs the downtown area. The Annual Village Art & Craft Show highlights the areas artists. Celebrating 40 years, this event is hosted by the New Morning Gallery in downtown Asheville. Take a look at the fantastic arts and crafts that were available.

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Sunapee crafts fair attracts artisans, tourists to state

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Ford Goes Big on Electric Vehicles, Future Looks Bright for Wind-Powered Cars

The idea of?wind-powered cars?sparked a bit of humor in the presidential campaign earlier this week, but two powerful trends are converging to make it a reality. One is the strong growth in the?U.S. wind power industry?within the past couple of years. The other is the domestic auto industry?s increased attention to electric vehicle technology, as illustrated by Ford?s new?Advanced Electrification Center.

Ford invests in EV technology

Transitioning to an EV Future

GM has been grabbing lots of headlines with its top-rated Chevy Volt, but Ford promises to give it some stiff competition as the potential EV leader of tomorrow. To that end, Ford has repurposed its massive Advanced Engineering Center in Dearborn to focus on EV technology under the name Advanced Electrification Center.

According to Ford?s press materials, the 285,000-square-foot building already houses hundreds of engineers working on EV and hybrid R&D. Last year, the company also filled 60 new engineering positions on its electrification team and plans to hire several dozen more this year alone.

A lot of the new research focus is going into new EV battery technologies, and Ford plans to double its battery test beds by next year. In a related effort, the company has also been developing an?EV battery recycling demonstration project at its Michigan Assembly Plant, which uses spent EV batteries to store renewable energy from a 500-kilowatt solar power installation.

Ford is also heavily engaged in developing new, lightweight materials that will help increase battery range, including bio-based materials such as a dandelion rubber substitute.

Electric Vehicles and Sustainable Transportation

Cranking out more and better EVs is all well and good, but it is not a standalone solution to the long-term management of greenhouse gas emissions related to transportation.

In Ford?s sustainability statement, executive chairman William Clay Ford describes a scenario in which progress on the vehicle manufacturing end is overwhelmed by the sheer volume of new drivers entering the car market. According to Ford, the 1 billion vehicles currently on the road worldwide could expand to about 4 billion by mid-century.

To meet that challenge, EVs will need to be integrated into a broader transportation strategy. As Ford?s sustainability statement explains:

?We believe a truly sustainable long-term solution will require a global transportation network that enables wireless communication among vehicles and infrastructure?bringing all modes of travel into a single network that links together public and personal transportation. Pedestrian walkways, bicycles, buses, airplanes, trains, automobiles ? in our vision of the future everything would be fully integrated to save time, conserve resources and lower emissions.?

Image: Ford EV License Some rights reserved by
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Saturday, August 18, 2012

Avoid Pitfalls in Choosing Web Site Hosting | Techno News

Becoming a successful internet marketer or online business owner is the dream of many people. Thousands of people around the globe are giving up their day job (or part-time job) to seek income from the World Wide Web. With the plethora of job opportunities and business potentials that the internet has, it is no wonder that people are willing to spend thousands of dollars on e-books that teach how to start a successful internet business. However, the basic things you will always need if you decide to run a commercial website or blog are domain name and web site hosting.

With the various domain name providers and web hosting companies out there, choosing the one that matches your current need can be challenging. It is a good thing that some people think of running a web site hosting directory like This way, you can elude some of the common traps that many novice internet entrepreneurs are often lured into when choosing a web host.

A good web host may not be the cheapest around, but it should be a web host that accommodates your needs. Although some companies may promote unlimited services, a web hosting review directory usually tells you through their online articles that it is quite impossible to have unlimited bandwidth for a shared web host. Usually, it simply means you can have a thriving web store without disrupting your hosting system. Subsequently, you should compare features, customer support, and price before you decide on a particular web hosting plan. You can do some research, join internet forums or blogger communities to find out which web host companies offer reasonable price for their superb hosting plan and pick your hosting service wisely today.

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Djokovic beats del Potro, reaches Cincy finals

MASON, Ohio (AP) ? No medal involved this time. Little drama, either. Novak Djokovic simply ground his way to another tournament title match.

The Serb reached the finals of the Western & Southern Open for the second straight year Saturday, beating Juan Martin del Potro 6-3, 6-2 in a reprise of their Olympics match. Del Potro defeated Djokovic for the bronze medal on Wimbledon's lush grass two weeks ago.

The sequel on Cincinnati's blue hard court? Not even close.

Djokovic will face the winner of the other semifinal between top-ranked Roger Federer and Swiss countryman Stanislas Wawrinka. Djokovic also reached the Cincinnati finals last year but had to quit in the second set because of a sore shoulder, giving the title to Andy Murray.

This week is going much better for him.

He won the Rogers Cup in Toronto last Sunday night, leaving him a little tired, but he managed to get some rest at the suburban Cincinnati tournament. He was on court for only a half-hour Thursday night, when Nikolay Davydenko had to quit their match because of a sore shoulder.

The Serb had played only three sets the last two days, leaving plenty of energy for his second semifinal in eight days.

He used it in the long rallies.

Djokovic and del Potro exchanged a lot of shots from the baseline in the first set, with both players wasting chances to take control early. Djokovic got to the semifinal by holding serve in all 22 games during the tournament, facing only four break points. He faced that many in the third game of the match.

The Serb saved one of those break points with a 30-shot rally that ended with del Potro dumping a backhand into the net, then dropping his head.

"We played long rallies," Djokovic said. "It could have easily gone the other way. I managed to hang in there and play my best when I needed it."

Djokovic then had a chance to pull ahead, getting del Potro down 0-40 in the next game, but the Argentine dug in and kept on pace.

One of del Potro's biggest concerns is his left wrist, which has nagged him for some time. The right-hander will have it checked before the U.S. Open by the same doctor who operated on his right wrist in 2010, when he missed most of the season while recovering.

During the first set, del Potro looked at his left wrist and shook it after a tough backhand shot, an indication those long rallies were stinging.

"Yeah, it's bothering me all the time and I don't want to risk too much," del Potro said. "I have experience in wrist problems, and I would like to take time to fix this little problem."

Djokovic broke him to go up 4-2 and served it out. He broke him again for a 2-1 lead in the second set, when del Potro seemed to lose his edge. The Argentine finished with 27 unforced errors in the two sets.

At one point, he thought about quitting because of the painful wrist.

"I'm playing well, even this match," he said. "And the crowd here is very nice. It (center court) was full today, and I didn't retire because Djokovic is my friend and I have a lot respect of him and I want to finish the match."

The men's draw in Cincinnati took a hit this year when Rafael Nadal had to withdraw because of a sore knee. Nadal hasn't played since Wimbledon and has already pulled out of the U.S. Open because of the injury.

Djokovic is in good shape heading into the Open.


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AARP bristles at new Obama ad on Medicare

President Barack Obama greets audience members at a campaign event in Iowa (Larry Downing/Reuters)

The AARP plays a starring role in President Barack Obama's new ad defending his record on Medicare. But that doesn't mean the group has to like it.

Hours after the Democrat's campaign released its new commercial, AARP Senior Vice President John Hishta bluntly denied any involvement in the ad and scolded Obama (as well as Republican challenger Mitt Romney).

"The next president and Congress will decide the future of Medicare, and the candidates owe voters straight talk?not just 30-second ads?about what their plans will mean for today's seniors and future retirees," Hishta said in a statement.

"We were not aware of nor have any involvement with this campaign ad. AARP is a nonpartisan organization and we do not endorse political candidates," Hishta said. "For the last 26 years, we've been providing voters with balanced information, without all the political jargon and spin, so they can make their own decisions on Election Day."

Hishta said the organization's voter guide, published Aug. 24 on, "will enable voters to not only find out where the candidates stand on the future of Medicare and Social Security, but to tell candidates what they think."

"We urge all presidential and congressional candidates to talk with voters about the future of Medicare and Social Security at the upcoming conventions, debates and other forums," he said.

Asked about the rebuke, White House spokesman Josh Earnest said Obama would continue to lay out, in detail, his vision for the popular but costly Medicare program.


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Antarctic moss lives off penguin poop

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Antarctic moss lives off penguin poop
Verdant green carpets of moss that emerge during the brief Antarctic summer have an unusual food source, a new study reports: The mosses eat nitrogen from fossilized penguin poop.

Source: NBCnews
Posted on: Friday, Aug 17, 2012, 7:40am
Views: 1


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We Don?t Know if Global Warming Is Causing Droughts

Grass grows in a dried-out farm pond August 3, 2012 near Cuba, Illinois. We don't know whether global warming is causing the droughts seen around much of the United States this summer

Photograph by Scott Olson/Getty Images.

?Everyone knows? that you should drink eight glasses of water a day. After all, this is the advice of a multitude of health writers, not to mention authorities like Britain?s National Health Service. Healthy living now means carrying water bottles with us, sipping at all times, trying to drink our daily quota to ensure that we stay hydrated and healthy.

Indeed, often we drink without being thirsty, but that is how it should be: As the beverage maker Gatorade reminds us, ?your brain may know a lot, but it doesn?t know when your body is thirsty.? Sure, drinking this much does not feel comfortable, but Powerade offers this sage counsel: ?You may be able to train your gut to tolerate more fluid if you build your fluid intake gradually.?

Now the British Medical Journal reports that these claims are ?not only nonsense, but thoroughly debunked nonsense.? This has been common knowledge in the medical profession at least since 2002, when Heinz Valtin, a professor of physiology and neurobiology at Dartmouth Medical School, published the first critical review of the evidence for drinking lots of water. He concluded that ?not only is there no scientific evidence that we need to drink that much, but the recommendation could be harmful, both in precipitating potentially dangerous hyponatremia and exposure to pollutants and also in making many people feel guilty for not drinking enough.?

The drink-more-water story is curiously similar to how ?everyone knows? that global warming only makes climate more extreme. A hot, dry summer (in some places) has triggered another barrage of such claims. And, while many interests are at work, one of the players that benefits the most from this story are the media: the notion of ?extreme? climate simply makes for more compelling news.

Consider Paul Krugman, writing breathlessly in the New York Times about the ?rising incidence of extreme events? and how ?large-scale damage from climate change is ? happening now.? He claims that global warming caused the current drought in America?s Midwest, and that supposedly record-high corn prices could cause a global food crisis.

But the United Nations climate panel?s latest assessment tells us precisely the opposite: For ?North America, there is medium confidence that there has been an overall slight tendency toward less dryness (wetting trend with more soil moisture and runoff).? Moreover, there is no way that Krugman could have identified this drought as being caused by global warming without a time machine: Climate models estimate that such detection will be possible by 2048, at the earliest.

And, fortunately, this year?s drought appears unlikely to cause a food crisis. According to the Economist, ?price increases in corn and soybeans are not thought likely to trigger a food crisis, as they did in 2007-08, as global rice and wheat supplies remain plentiful.? Moreover, Krugman overlooks inflation: Prices have increased six-fold since 1969, so, while corn futures did set a record of about $8 per bushel in late July, the inflation-adjusted price of corn was higher throughout most of the 1970s, reaching a whopping $16 in 1974.

Finally, Krugman conveniently forgets that concerns about global warming are the main reason that corn prices have skyrocketed since 2005. Nowadays 40 percent of corn grown in the United States is used to produce ethanol, which does absolutely nothing for the climate, but certainly distorts the price of corn?at the expense of many of the world?s poorest people.

Bill McKibben similarly frets in The Guardian and The Daily Beast about the Midwest drought and corn prices. Moreover, he confidently tells us that raging wildfires from New Mexico and Colorado to Siberia are ?exactly? what the early stages of global warming look like.

In fact, the latest overview of global wildfire incidence suggests that, because humans have suppressed fire and decreased vegetation density, fire intensity has declined over the past 70 years and is now close to its preindustrial level.

When well-meaning campaigners want us to pay attention to global warming, they often end up pitching beyond the facts. And, while this may seem justified by a noble goal, such ?policy by panic? tactics rarely work, and often backfire.

Remember how, in the wake of Hurricane Katrina in 2005, Al Gore (and many others) claimed that we were in store for ever more devastating hurricanes? Since then, hurricane incidence has dropped off the charts; indeed, by one measure, global accumulated cyclone energy has decreased to its lowest levels since the late 1970?s.?Exaggerated claims merely fuel public distrust and disengagement.

That is unfortunate, because global warming is a real problem, and we do need to address it. Warming will increase some extremes (it is likely that both droughts and fires will become worse toward the end of the century). But warming will also decrease other extremes, for example, leading to fewer deaths from cold and less water scarcity.

Similarly, there are real health problems?and many of them. But focusing on the wrong ones?like drinking a lot of water?diverts our attention from more important issues. Telling tall tales may benefit those with a stake in the telling, but it leaves us all worse off.

This article was originally published by?Project Syndicate.?For more from?Project Syndicate,?visit their new?Web site, and follow them on?Twitter?or?Facebook.


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Thursday, August 9, 2012

Buying A Home For Cheap and Making A Profit: Hot Topic This Week

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HGTV has had several ?house flipping? shows. You know, you buy a house, fix it up and then sell it and make money.? To be fair, I?ve seen some episodes of some shows where the people who buy the home go way over budget and time and are lucky to break even.? But this week, seminars are being announced by one of the hosts of one of these shows.? Naturally he is promoting the seminar and then a 3 day course (which you pay for) to learn even more about how to do this. WEWS?s website did an article with warnings from Cleveland City Councilman Tony Brancateli ?.one thing he says is it?s a pyramid scheme.

I haven?t attended a seminar, nor have a bought and studied the course, so I can?t speak to whether or not it?s a scheme.? What I can say is, don?t jump into anything without doing a lot of research.

I just had a client who purchased a home for less than $30k.? It needs a roof, electrical and gas work, and lots of TLC.? But at that price and for the size of the home, it makes a nice place to live.? Gives him more space than he currently has.? And once he makes the repairs, yes, the? maket value of his home will be higher than what he paid for it, which was almost nothing.? Now, I can say this, because I know what repairs he?s making and what he is not going to do.? He?s not going to spend 40k on a new kitchen, for example.?

The Councilman mentions back taxes and liens that might be on a house which can add to what you pay at the closing when you purchase.? This can be true.? But you can also rely on your Realtor? to get some title lien searches done before you buy a home. In the case of the above client, no liens, no back taxes.? All clear.? We call all of this doing your due diligence when purchasing a home.? (as a matter of fact, if you buy a home that is NOT distressed, your title company will search and you will know if there are liens and back taxes.? It behooves you to know what you are getting into).

Another way to make money is to buy a home? after you have done all the research I mention, fix it up and rent it out.? Rental market is all about low supply right now.? So you could buy a home for 25k, fix it up for no more than another 20k, still have a very, very low monthly payment, and then rent it out for twice that monthly payment.? But again, you have to do your research.

You notice I mention fixing up a home after you buy it.? It?s almost impossible to expect to buy a home, just paint the walls and clean and then either move in or rent it out.? Every now and then someone gets lucky this way, but usually there are things to fix.? And sometimes we all know the copper pipes have been stolen.? So if you don?t have a capital outlay of money to put into the house, and you can?t qualify for a renovation loan, it probably is not a good idea.

I also don?t think you really need to pay to take a course.? But attending a free seminar can?t hurt (I heard the radio ad, can?t remember if these 11 seminars sponsored by the HGTV ?guy?? are free).? It also can?t hurt to actually work with a Realtor? who can help you wade through the homes that are available and see what might be the best course of action.

I have a lot of respect for the gentleman who I reference above, who purchased the house for less than 30k.? He already lives in the neighborhood.? He wants the street he lives on to look it?s best and he?s always liked the architecture of the home he just bought.? So his old home (which he owns) will become a rental for an employee at his business and he will now have more space to live in.

There ARE good reasons to do this..? Just be cautious, especially with some TV guy dangling the hope of riches in our faces :-)


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