Monday, September 24, 2012

Hell to pay: Referee forced to abandon Christian football match after mass brawl breaks out

Five footballers are facing year-long bans after a brutal brawl between two church sides in a CHRISTIAN league set up to promote PEACE and UNDERSTANDING.

For the first time ever a game had to abandoned in the West Midlands Christian League after a penalty spot punch up between teams Zion Athletic and Common Ground United.

Trouble flared in the 47th minute of the game last weekend after a Common Ground player was sent off for 'serious foul play' as his team were trailing to Zion.

When Zion, who were leading 5-1, were then awarded a 60th minute penalty players saw red and fighting broke out.

A Zion player is said to have smiled and 'made a remark' about the penalty decision before being struck by his Common Ground opponent. And the player sent off for Common Ground minutes earlier even ran on from the changing rooms to join in the un-biblical scene - leaving him with the most serious charge for foul play.

Five Common Ground players in total were put on 'violent conduct' charges with one Zion player also brought to book over 'improper conduct'.

The Chruch of Common Ground United
The Chruch of Common Ground United


Birmingham County FA discipline manager Mike Fellows, said he could not recall there ever being a game in the Christian League called off for bad behaviour.

He said: "I cannot recall a game ever being abandoned in the Christian League, certainly not due to violence. It's so strict that even swearing is banned.

"Referees are under instruction to send players off if any of them swears. "A Common Ground player was sent off for serious foul play in the 47th minute, but the game carried on without problems.

"But then, in the 60th minute, the score was 5-1 to Zion and a penalty was awarded to them. An incident happened between one player and another where one received a few punches. The trouble kicked off.

"The referee reported that Common Ground players started throwing punches at Zion Athletic players. It got to the situation that the two official assistant referees agreed that they would have to abandon the game."

The league has strict rules that state players are expected to behave both on and off the pitch in a manner 'morally, decently and ethically sound of action and speech, honouring the name of Jesus Christ'.

Bad language in the league leads to an automatic red card and ungentlemanly conduct, such as spitting or arguing, is frowned upon.

Players are expected to turn the other cheek if confronted.

Mike said: "It ended with five Common Ground players facing violent conduct charges, one of them also on a serious misconduct charge for violence.

"The player had already been sent off but when this all cracked off, he came back onto the pitch from the changing rooms and got himself heavily involved."

All the players identified for the referee by Common Ground after the game face at least a three-match suspension.

An FA panel will convene to decide on sanctions against the footballer on the most serious charge. Mike said Zion Athletic had a team member charged with improper conduct, although the referees report indicates that their players were largely defending themselves and trying to break it up.

He said: "The West Midlands Christian League has a reputation as a good league, which is well run and very strict."

The league will now decide if Zion are given the full three points for the match and if Common Ground will have points deducted. Common Ground founder Tony Sadla, a deacon at Living Stones of Christ Embassy church, in Perry Barr, Birmingham, claimed he players had been provoked.

He said: "Some of the kids come to church and some of them don't, and those are no longer church-going Christians.

"It's devastating and shocking and we don't condone this sort of behaviour. But Common Ground got the raw end of the deal with five red cards whereas Zion Athletic seemed to be the ones who escaped.

"When a penalty was awarded to Zion, their player started smiling and laughing, and made a remark.

"The guy who was involved in hitting him made a remark back and smiled and laughed. From there it just kicked off, we tried to stop it and pull them apart.

"Some of our players have had a bad course in life. By going to church, you don't expect it to change overnight. Sometimes they go off the rails."

Tony said the club would accept whatever punishment was doled out by the FA and the league.

Zion Athletic manager Jonathan Allen said neither he or Tony were proud of what happened. He said: "We are just thankful no one was seriously hurt.

"As a manager I was pleased by my players' response to the aggressive and violent behaviour of the opposition, by not fuelling a situation that could have been far worse.

"Violence has no place on a football pitch and we hope that the league will do all that they can to prevent a recurrence of this incident and ensure the very good discipline we have to come to enjoy each Saturday continues."

Christian League secretary Neil Kovacs said: "It is very much unprecedented, I'm meeting on Tuesday with both clubs, and actions will be prompt and severe, I would imagine. I would think the league ban for the players will be a minimum of a year."


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