Thursday, June 16, 2011

Congress goes to war over the War Powers Act?did President Obama break the law in Libya?

It seems to come up in almost every presidential administration, both Democrats and Republicans?the authority of a president to use military force and how far that president must go in advising and seeking approval from Congress in carrying out that force. When President Obama authorized the participation of the American military in the NATO operation in Libya, with the mandate to protect Libyan citizens from Muammar Gadhafi, aside from a few meetings with members of Congress there was no move for a formal vote from the full body. When the 60-day window for Congressional authorization passed, as mandated under the War Powers Resolution, neither President Obama nor Congress made much fuss about it. Now there?s a serious conversation brewing about whether the Libyan operation violated the War Powers Act: Speaker of the House John Boehner is demanding an official counsel from the White House about Libya; and a bipartisan group of 10 Congress members have filed a lawsuit against the president, charging that he made an illegal end-run around Congress when he attacked Libya. What is the role of Congress in a president?s ability to make war?

Walter Jones, R-North Carolina?s 3rd district; member of the House Committee on Armed Services & plaintiff in the lawsuit challenging President Obama on the War Powers Act

Michael Capuano, D-Massachusetts? 8th district; member of the House Committee on Financial Services & plaintiff in the lawsuit challenging President Obama on the War Powers Act

Walter Dellinger, professor of law at Duke University; former Solicitor General for the United States & Assistant Attorney General during the Clinton administration


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