Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Learning Chinese Language Together with Your Girlfriend ...

Learning Chinese with girlfriendLanguage barriers, an inescapable reality in cross cultural dating, have lead to more laughs, headaches, amusing stories or painful conflicts than perhaps any other factor. How different couples can deal with this unique challenge offers a fascinating look into the dynamics between different cross-cultural couples in general, and Chinese/foreign specifically. In this post, I will promote language differences as a fun and even bonding force in relationships, and how to keep it that way. In my post next week, I will explore some of the potential associated conflicts and misunderstandings.

I think there is an inherent romance and intrigue when learning a new language, and when shared with your Chinese girlfriend or wife, can lead to unforgettable moments and a sense of shared accomplishment. Every Chinese man or woman, deep down, is genuinely proud of their culture, including their language. And who can blame them? I dare anybody to start down the path of learning Chinese with their partner and not become slowly addicted to the profound breadth and beauty of the Chinese language.

Find an hour every day, make a pot of green tea, put on some relaxing music, and with your girlfriend/wife, set out to learn a few new characters, some simple sentences, practice conversation, have a debate?no matter what your level is, it is most important to show her that you are interested and committed. After a few days, weeks, months, you are sure to have shown considerable improvement. You can now order food. You can now discuss Chinese history. You can now talk about your future. This is magic. This is between the two of you, your own personal accomplishment only the two of you can treasure. Ok, I may be getting a bit carried away, but I am a big believer in the pure romance in learning a language, and the steadfast bond which can be created in the process.

A slightly more practical asset that dealing with a language barrier can bring is it saves lots of the petty arguing or complaining many relationships can get bogged down in. When you need to stop and take a minute to translate whatever frivolous comment suddenly popped into your head, or wonder how it may come across if her English isn?t quite fluent, there?s a good chance lots of the unimportant chatter and minutiae gets filtered out. You may find yourself listening to your partner more, searching for understanding instead of a quick judgmental response. There?s something exciting, almost on a primitive level, about stripping it down to the very basics, and realizing language is simply one means of communication.

Another factor I have found when dating a girl who didn?t share the same mother tongue as I, was that it was a long, slow, and ultimately very rewarding process of discovery and sharing. Why do so many relationships fail? I believe the ?newness? factor begins to wear off, and two people realize they don?t have much to say to each other after all. In a relationship where there are language barriers, the relationship has more room and time to grow and evolve naturally without being burdened with excess language. The longer the process of discovering and finding pleasure in each other?s unique peculiarities takes, the chances of a successful long term relationship increase. With all the texting, twittering, and mindless dribble surrounding us 24/7, a relationship which moves at ?the speed of love? can be richly fulfilling.

When dating somebody from another culture speaking another language, there are bound to be frustrations, misunderstandings, and embarrassing mix-ups. There was the time I mistakenly reminded my girlfriend before going out one night to ?NOT forget her ??? (banana), when I meant to say ?? (camera). Now anytime either of these words comes up, we have our own little joke to laugh at. With an open mind and good sense of humor, I do believe that a language barrier can evolve into a long term strength in a relationship, even giving a couple a unique sense of identity and source of gratification and even bliss.


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