Friday, June 29, 2012

Traditional Windows Desktop to Take Backseat to Windows RT

The upcoming launch of Windows RT for ARM-based mobile devices could signal the beginning of the end for the traditional Windows desktop, according to new data from Gartner.

Though most users will continue to run Windows desktop apps for the next 10 years, Microsoft will position Windows RT as the platform for new development, Gartner predicted.

"Windows 8 is the start of Microsoft's effort to respond to market demands and competitors, as it provides a common interface and programming API set from phones to servers. It is also the beginning of the end of Win32 applications on the desktop," said Michael Silver, vice president and distinguished analyst at Gartner. "Microsoft will continue to support Win32, but it will encourage developers to write more manageable and engaging applications using WinRT."

Windows 8, which is expected to launch in the fall, will include the traditional Windows desktop but also a new Metro-style interface inspired by Redmond's Windows Phone design. That Metro style will also be featured on Windows RT-based devices, including the recently unveiled Microsoft Surface tablet.

But don't expect to immediatedly bid adieu to the familiar Windows desktop at work. Gartner's Silver said it will take enterprises "many years" to transition to the new RT-based model and at least five years for Metro-style apps to gain significant traction.

Businesses that adopt Windows 8 through 2015 will likely run most of their apps via Win32 and the desktop browser. But by 2020, users will likely spend less than 10 percent of their time in Win32 apps and instead focus on Metro, Gartner said. Eventually, most Win32 desktop applications are likely to be run using server-based computing (SBC) or from hosted virtual desktops, the firm predicted.

"Organizations planning to develop new Win32 applications should switch to Metro for all new user-facing applications beginning in 2013 and should focus on external apps first and internal apps later," Gartner said.

Steve Kleynhans, vice president for client and mobile computing at Gartner, said the introduction of Windows 8 is "more than a major upgrade to Windows ? it's a technology shift."

The last major tech shift for Microsoft was the move from DOS technology to Windows NT technology, which began in 1993 and took eight years, ending with the introduction of Windows XP in 2001, Kleynhans said.

"Smartphones and tablets are fulfilling the role of the primary device for an increasing group of users, and most of these devices are from vendors other than Microsoft," he contiued. "In this environment, Microsoft needs to move to a platform that enables a new type of application, and embraces new types of user experiences."

For more, see PCMag's Hands On With Windows 8 Release Preview as well as our Hands On With Microsoft's Surface Tablet and the slideshow below.

For more from Chloe, follow her on Twitter @ChloeAlbanesius.

For the top stories in tech, follow us on Twitter at @PCMag.


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Unstoppable Fist review for iPhone

Unstoppable Fist by Ragtag Studio delivered a ridiculous, over-the-top haymaker to the App Store today. This button-mashing endless defense game puts you in the well-worn loafers of a hero named Fist who has come to Earth to deliver flawless roundhouse kicks and precise jabs to eclipse-crazed piranhas, armadillos, bats, chickens, various aquatic life, and any other rabid creature that happens to enter his personal space. Despite his extra-terrestrial origins, Fist is deeply patriotic and drapes himself in the stars and stripes between battles.?Whether or not he is related to?Chuck Norris is uncertain, but not out of the question.

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Thursday, June 28, 2012

Personal Loan Supporting Your Needs Financially

Personal Loan ? Supporting Your Needs Financially


Personal loan or individual loan is one of the financial supports sustained by bank to the customers/applicants in respect with their personal expenses. From the introduction to till now, the personal or individual finance has created its unblemished reputation across the world including India. A huge number of people take resort to personal/personal finance during the time of urgent monetary conditions. Hence, this loan is construed as the financial bulwark in odd financial times.

Banks personal loans have been popular because of so many features and benefits involved. One of the benefits that noticeably conspicuous is the immediate financial assistance that you get from the bank. In other words, the personal/individual loan is acquired of followed by hassle free documentation and flexible eligibility requirements. Virtually all the banks in India have the same and identical formalities regarding acquisition of the loan.

Two of the most important eligibility requirements are income and credit score of the applicants. Sometimes, some banks also consider repayment capacity of the applicants but more often than not that repayment capacity is determined on the basis of income that a particular applicant earns out of job employment or business venture. Therefore, if you are a good income earner, there is always a fair chance of getting your personal loan application approved.

Personal loan from the bank should always been your priority in case you fall into difficult financial situation. We know that people require monetary assistance for their different types of needs and with the help of such financial assistance; one can help out reduced stress of financial difficulty to a greater extent. With amplitude of the banks available in the country, there is always a golden chance for the prospective loan-seekers to choose their personal or individual finance from any bank. However, the online search is recommended to choose one of the best banks regarding acquisition of the individual finance.

The online comparison of personal or individual loan offers of few banks will rationalize your concept of choosing a right loan product. Since there are many banks or financial organizations that offer such type of financial assistance, it is good to choose a good one, and the Internet will help you a lot to narrow down your quest in this regard. One more thing to understand is before choosing your loan; you should prioritize your need.

You should understand that a personal or individual finance can only be taken if you really need it. You should avoid thinking that feasibility of such finance gives you an opportunity to take it without needs. You are liable to repay the loan as well. Hence think your need properly.

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Shaun J. McLaughlin ? Kris Wampler's Blog

Shaun J. McLaughlin believes every writer must be in it for the art, and strives to make his writing stand out from the rest. ?Shaun discusses his success with blogging and what he believes it takes for a writer to succeed.

1. Give me the ?elevator pitch? for your book in five to ten sentences.

My self-published novel, Counter Currents, is a story of smugglers, river pirates,?rebels, love, and war. ?Most scenes are set against the grandeur of the Thousand Islands?during the drama of North America?s forgotten war, the Patriot War of 1838. ?Among?the raiders was Bill Johnston, the Thousand Islands legend. ?The protagonist, Ryan, a?young immigrant, is drawn into Johnston?s world of piracy and secret societies. ?Ryan?falls for Johnston?s daughter, Kate. ?Tugged by the opposing currents of romance and war,?Ryan struggles to reconcile his troubled family history, his duty and his heart. Counter?Currents is history illuminated by fiction.

2. Why did you become an indie writer?

I worked as a writer ? journalist and technical writer ? for over 30 years. ?Since my teens,?I wrote fiction on the side. For my first novel, I queried dozens of agents and publishers?in Canada and the US. ?Over half never responded. One small publisher in Iowa offered to?publish it, but they closed down shortly after I signed the contract. ?Weary of rejection, I?studied the self-publishing arena and the related technologies, and made a decision to be?my own publisher.

3. Have you been traditionally published? ?Why or why not?

I do both. ?In the same month (March 2012) that I self-published my first novel, my first?history book, The Patriot War Along the New York-Canada Border, was published by?South Carolina-based The History Press. ?It covers the eastern half of the Patriot War of?1838.

There is an interesting story behind that. ?I created a history blog in January 2010 in?advance of my novel to help promote the book and the era. ?An editor at The History Press?discovered the blog and asked me to write a book about it. ?I said yes, of course.

4. How have you liked self-publishing so far?

I am astounded at how simple it is to be self-published. ?Between Smashwords,?CreateSpace and Kindle/Amazon, anyone who can follow step-by-step instructions can?produce books in multiple formats. ?There is no barrier to publishing. ?Technology has?sidelined the gatekeepers and unleashed writers. ?You?ve got to love that.

5. Tell me about the marketing techniques you?ve used to sell your books. ?Which ones?have been the most successful?

I have tried most of the popular marketing techniques: blogging, Twitter, Facebook, and?guest posts on other blogs and e-magazines. ?I had both books reviewed, and even paid for?an ad on Goodreads.

My history blog,, is the most successful. ?It gets over 600?visits per month from history lovers. The key is to provide readers with free, interesting?content. ?That blog links to my imprint blog where I describe my books. ?A small?percentage of visitors become customers.

Two history articles that I wrote for the Thousand Islands Life e-magazine early in 2012?did well, as did a book review on that mag. ?The magazine?s audience is in the heart of?the region where both my books take place. ?The exposure led to a regional spike in sales,?especially for the history book.

6. What?s the most important thing you?ve learned about self-publishing that you didn?t?know when you started out?

My research into the business of self-publishing taught me that my book is one of?millions available. ?It is one leaf in a forest of 10,000 trees trying to be noticed. ?You?cannot be in this business for the money. ?Like a painter or musician, you must be in for?the art.

7. If you could do one thing differently in publishing your books, what would it be?

Next time I will spend no time trying to find a publisher for my fiction.

8. Indie authors face the challenge of marketing their books without the resources of?traditional publishers. What advice do you have for an indie just starting out?

From my observation, the authors that succeeded financially did not hit the big time with?their first book. ?They built up a fan base, good book by good book, until they broke out. ?In brief: write well, write often, be patient.

9. What are you currently working on?

I have a detailed outline for the sequel to my novel. ?It will be set partly in Australia,?which I will visit in the fall of 2012 to scout locations. ?I plan to research a second history?book on the Patriot War to cover events along the western front.

10. If you could market your brand ? not just one particular book, but your overall brand?of writing ? in one sentence, what would it be?

I write about history (and by extension, historical fiction) like a good journalist covers?current events: how people face their trials and triumphs never gets dull.

11. How can readers learn more about your books?

My publishing imprint has info on both books:

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Nokia Lumia 800 and 710 get Windows Phone 7.5 update, finally get to Tango (updated)

Nokia Lumia 800 and 710 updated to Windows Phone 75, finally get to Tango

We'd heard that the Lumia 800 and 710 were to get Windows Phone 7.5 a software update bringing fresh features sometime soon, but the time has officially arrived for these two to Tango. Today Nokia announced that the fresh code has already started rolling out, bringing hotspot and flip-to-silence functionality to the handsets. Plus, once you've updated via your Zune desktop software, access to the nifty Camera Extras software -- already promised to Lumia 900 owners -- is but a download away. As a refresher, those Extras allow Lumias to take Scalado-powered Smart Group Shots, provide a better burst mode for action pics, plus add a self-timer and panorama mode as well. Want to see the new camera features in action before taking the plunge? Check out the video after the break.

Update: As our astute commenters have pointed out, the Lumias both have Mango onboard, so this bit of software is but an update to Windows Phone 7.5 that brings additional features.

Continue reading Nokia Lumia 800 and 710 get Windows Phone 7.5 update, finally get to Tango (updated)

Nokia Lumia 800 and 710 get Windows Phone 7.5 update, finally get to Tango (updated) originally appeared on Engadget on Wed, 27 Jun 2012 18:56:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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'Elite' Supreme Court sides with science and juveniles

Justice Alito chided the Supreme Court majority for its 'elite vision' in striking down mandatory life sentences for juveniles convicted of murder. But the court based its decision on science ? the science of adolescent brain development. Science is a kind of elitism that we need more of.

By Jonathan Zimmerman / June 26, 2012

The Supreme Court on June 25 ruled that it is unconstitutional for state laws to require juveniles convicted of murder to be sentenced to life in prison without possibility of parole. Op-ed contributor Jonathan Zimmerman writes of dissenting Justices Alito and Roberts: 'Both judges simply ignored the mounting scientific evidence that adolescents lack the same reasoning power and impulse control as adults. They didn?t say the science was ambiguous, or wrong; instead, they said it was irrelevant. And that?s worse.'

Evan Vucci/AP


Did the Supreme Court embrace an ?elite vision? on Monday when it struck down state laws mandating life imprisonment for juvenile murderers?

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That?s what Justice Samuel Alito said, in an angry dissent from the bench. By invalidating such laws, Mr. Alito fumed, the court?s 5-4 majority assumed that it knew better than the 28 state legislatures that have authorized mandatory life sentences without the possibility of parole for killers younger than 18.

But the court?s majority really does know better. And there?s a simple reason for that: It relied on science ? in particular, the science of adolescent brain development.

Science seems to have taken quite a beating as of late. Consider this year?s GOP presidential sweepstakes, in which exactly one candidate ? Jon Huntsman ? was willing to acknowledge man-made climate change. The rest of the field insisted that the phenomenon still lacked sufficient scientific evidence.

But at least the candidates admitted that science matters. By disputing the science of climate change, indeed, they implicitly acknowledged that public policy should be based on accurate scientific research and knowledge.

Not so Justice Alito or Chief Justice John Roberts, who also dissented in the mandatory-sentencing decision. Both judges simply ignored the mounting scientific evidence that adolescents lack the same reasoning power and impulse control as adults. They didn?t say the science was ambiguous, or wrong; instead, they said it was irrelevant. And that?s worse.

After all, brain research was invoked in the court?s 2005 decision invalidating the death penalty for people under 18. The research also figured in its 2010 ruling striking down life sentences for juveniles convicted of crimes other than murder.

And since those cases, as the court?s majority noted on Monday, evidence about delayed adolescent brain development has become even stronger. ??It is increasingly clear that adolescent brains are not yet fully mature in regions and systems related to higher-order executive functions such as impulse control, planning ahead, and risk avoidance,? the court wrote, quoting a brief by the American Psychological Association.

If that?s true, then it?s cruel for states ? and the federal government ? to mandate that every adolescent murderer gets jailed for life. Alas, it?s not unusual. More than 2,500 people are currently serving life without parole for murders they committed before they were 18. And about 2,100 of them were convicted in states where these sentences were mandatory.

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Joan Rivers: I'm finally quitting Botox

There's never a dull moment when Joan Rivers visits. Hoda and Kathie Lee even joked about putting her on a delay Tuesday in case she should say something extra Joan Rivers-y. But she surprised everybody by keeping it clean, and announcing that she'd quit Botox.

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Live blog: Structures destroyed in Waldo Canyon Fire | ...

Posted on: 8:35 am, June 26, 2012, by Web Staff, updated on: 07:36am, June 27, 2012

Waldo Canyon Fire. June 26, 2012

Waldo Canyon Fire. June 26, 2012

Live Blog: hit refresh for updates

View official Waldo Canyon Fire updates on InciWeb

June 27 7:33pm: Our Justin Joseph reports there is speculation in Colorado Springs that the Waldo Canyon Fire may have been caused by an arsonist. Investigators cannot confirm that at this time. There may be an update at this morning?s 8 a.m. briefing.

June 27 7:21am: For more information on evacuated animals and how you can help them, visit the Humane Society of the Pikes Peak Region?s website.

June 27, 6:16am: All exit ramps from I-25 are open. However, in three locations drivers will not be able to proceed west after exiting, but will be diverted to the north, south or east. The I-25 exits with restricted mobility are at Woodmen Road, Nevada/Rockrimmon, and Garden of the God Road.

June 27, 6:15am: Fore additional information, the El Paso County Sheriff?s office has set up a mobile app that can be downloaded here.

June 27 6:02am: Mother Nature could help with a Flash Flood Watch for the burn area currently being issued for Wednesday afternoon. However, there is also a Red Flag Warning for most of the day, which could be equally harmful.

June 27 5:55am: Viewer video from Jerry Riley, who had to run from the flames shortly after taking it.

June 27 5:50am: Additional evacuations late Tuesday included Pinon Valley leading up to the Air Force Academy, Kissing Camels and Holland Park. Fire bearing down on the large residential neighborhoods of Mountain Shadows, Perefrine and Rockrimmon Wednesday morning.

June 27 5:24am: Air Force Academy closed its two residential areas and directed a base closure for normal operations Wednesday. ?Only mission essential personnel and personnel in direct support of cadet activities such as in-processing and student academics should plan to report for duty,? the Air Force said on its Facebook page. This is the first time the Academy has ever issued a mass evacuation.

June 27 4:33am: From El Paso County Police scanner: ?Another home is up in flames.? Number of homes destroyed still unsure. Expect more details at 8 a.m. press briefing.

June 26 10:45pm: Rich Harvey/Incident Commander: ?The fire was able to breach our primary and secondary containment lines?

June 26 10:31pm: I-25 open at Interquest in Colorado Springs. All WB Exits closed from Academy to Uintah St.

June 26 10:29pm: The City of Colorado Springs has updated the Waldo Canyon Fire evacuation map. Click here

June 26 9:45pm: Mandatory Evacuation: Kissing Camel, including south of Garden of the Gods Road, west of Cennential Blvd., East of 30th St. North and North of Fillmore and Fontmore Rd.

June 26 9:47pm: An evacuation order has been issued by the City of Colorado Springs for areas that are north of Garden of the Gods Rd. between I-25 to the east all the way to the western City limits and north to the Air Force Academy. The Air Force Academy evacuated areas include Academy Dr. to the USAFA?s southern and western boundaries.

Fire is estimated at 6,500 acres.

June 26 9:38pm: Hickenlooper on flying over the burning subdivisions: ?It was like looking at a military invasion?

June 26 9:37pm: Gov. Hickenlooper at the Waldo Canyon Fire command center: ?If I could make an executive order for rain, I?d do it tomorrow?I?d do it right now!?

June 26 9:10 p.m. ? AFA second evacuation (an additional area) : Academy Drive South to Pine Drive; Stadium Blvd. on the east; USAFA boundary on the west.

June 26 9:20pm: Colorado Springs Mayor Steve Bach: ?It?s like an inferno? We have quite a few homes on fire right now.?

June 26 8:47pm: El Paso County Sheriff says more than 32,000 people have been evacuated. Unknown number of homes destroyed.

June 26 8:39pm: Based on the view from Briargate Parkway, it appears hundreds of homes are threatened and/or ablaze. Live cam here

June 26 8:25pm New Evacuation Shelter Lewis Palmer High School 1300 Higby Road, Monument

June 26 8: 20pm Mandatory Evacuation of the south portion of the Air Force Academy: North Boundary is Pine Dr. South Boundary is the USAFA Boundary, West Boundary is the USAFA boundary, East boundary is the Tri Intersection.

UPDATE June 26 8:14PM: The Flying W Ranch reported Tuesday evening that its complex has been destroyed.

UPDATE June 26 7:39pm: A second Red Cross Shelter has been set up at the YMCA on 2190 Jetwing Drive. The Red Cross Shelter at Cheyenne Mountain High School is still accepting pets with evacuees. Evacuees that want to take pets should go to Cheyenne Mountain High School. The Humane Society has set up an animal shelter at the Freedom Financial Expo Center on North Nevada.

UPDATE June 26 7:35pm: CLOSED: Southbound I-25 at Interquest Parkway due to wildfire smoke. Detour in place using CO 21.

UPDATE June 26 7:29pm: Colorado Springs just released this map showing the mandatory evacuation areas.

UPDATE: June 26 6:40pm Colorado Springs Utilities has turned off electric and gas from West of Centennial from 30th street to Flying W Ranch.

URGENT- June 26 6:25pm Mandatory Evacuation: All area north of Vindicator Drive and west of I-25, North to the Air Force Academy.

UPDATE 5:45PM Tuesday: NEW Phone Numbers for the Waldo Canyon Fire Information Center

719-520-7058, 720-402-7935, 720-202-4510, 720-237-9947, 720-237-3417

UPDATE June 26 4:25pm ? The El Paso County Sheriff has up graded to Mandatory evacuation the communities of North Mountian Shadows and Peregrine (north of Chuck Wagon Road, west of Centenial to Orchard Valley Road, NW of Orchard Valley Road to Woodman Road).

UPDATE June 26 3:45pm ? The El Paso County Sheriff has downgraded the Mandatory evacuation order for Crystal Park to Voluntary.

UPDATE June 26 ? 1:10 PM ? A new Pre-Evacuaion Notice has been issued for portions of Teller County near Woodland Park. A Pre-Evacuation notice is precautionary, and does not mean a Mandatory Evacuation is imminent, but only that you should be prepared to evacuate if necessary.

Hwy 24 is closed west of Colorado Springs ? In particular, westbound is closed near the west exit for Manito Springs, and eastbound is closed at the El Paso/Teller County Line near Crystola.

Waldo Canyon Fire Joint Information Center telephone numbers are: 719-629-7322, 720-402-7935, 720-237-9947, 720-237-3417. For official Twitter updates: @epcsheriff and @springsgov

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Seeing inside tissue for no-cut surgeries: Researchers develop technique to focus light inside biological tissue

ScienceDaily (June 26, 2012) ? Imagine if doctors could perform surgery without ever having to cut through your skin. Or if they could diagnose cancer by seeing tumors inside the body with a procedure that is as simple as an ultrasound. Thanks to a technique developed by engineers at the California Institute of Technology (Caltech), all of that may be possible in the not-so-distant future.

The new method enables researchers to focus light efficiently inside biological tissue. While the previous limit for how deep light could be focused was only about one millimeter, the Caltech team is now able to reach two and a half millimeters. And, in principle, their technique could focus light as much as a few inches into tissue. The technique is used much like a flashlight shining on the body's interior, and may eventually provide researchers and doctors with a host of possible biomedical applications, such as a less invasive way of diagnosing and treating diseases.

If you crank up the power of light, you might even be able to do away with a traditional scalpel. "It enables the possibilities of doing incision-less surgery," says Changhuei Yang, a professor of electrical engineering and bioengineering at Caltech and a senior author on the new study. "By generating a tight laser-focus spot deep in tissue, we can potentially use that as a laser scalpel that leaves the skin unharmed."

Ying Min Wang, a graduate student in electrical engineering, and Benjamin Judkewitz, a postdoctoral scholar, are the lead authors on the paper, which was published in the June 26 issue of the journal Nature Communications.

The new work builds on a previous technique that Yang and his colleagues developed to see through a layer of biological tissue, which is opaque because it scatters light. In the previous work, the researchers shined light through the tissue and then recorded the resulting scattered light on a holographic plate. The recording contained all the information about how the light beam scattered, zigzagging through the tissue. By playing the recording in reverse, the researchers were able to essentially send the light back through to the other side of the tissue, retracing its path to the original source. In this way, they could send light through a layer of tissue without the blurring effect of scattering.

But to make images of what is inside tissue -- to get a picture of cells or molecules that are embedded inside, say, a muscle -- the researchers would have to be able to focus a light beam into the tissue. "For biologists, it's most important to know what's happening inside the tissue," Wang says.

To focus light into tissue, the researchers expanded on the recent work of Lihong Wang's group at Washington University in St. Louis (WUSTL); they had developed a method to focus light using the high-frequency vibrations of ultrasound. The WUSTL group took advantage of two properties of ultrasound. First, the high-frequency sound waves are not scattered by tissue, which is why it is great for taking images of fetuses in utero. Second, ultrasonic vibrations interact with light in such a way that they shift the light's frequency ever so slightly. As a result of this so-called acousto-optic effect, any light that has interacted with ultrasound changes into a slightly different color.

In both the WUSTL and Caltech experiments, the teams focused ultrasound waves into a small region inside a tissue sample. They then shined light into the sample, which, in turn, scattered the light. Because of the acousto-optic effect, any of the scattered light that passes through the region with the focused ultrasound will change to a slightly different color. The researchers can pick out this color-shifted light and record it. By employing the same playback technique as in the earlier Caltech work, they then send the light back, having only the color-shifted bits retrace their path to the small region where the ultrasound was focused -- which means that the light itself is focused on that area, allowing an image to be created. The researchers can control where they want to focus the light simply by moving the ultrasound focus.

The WUSTL experiment was limited, however, because only a very small amount of light could be focused. The Caltech engineers' new method, on the other hand, allows them to fire a beam of light with as much power as they want -- which is essential for potential applications.

The team demonstrated how the new method could be used with fluorescence imaging -- a powerful technique used in a wide range of biological and biomedical research. The researchers embedded a patch of gel with a fluorescent pattern that spelled out "CIT" inside a tissue sample. Then, they scanned the sample with focused light beams. The focused light hit and excited the fluorescent pattern, resulting in the glowing letters "CIT" emanating from inside the tissue. The team also demonstrated their technique by taking images of tumors tagged with fluorescent dyes.

"This demonstration that we can focus significant optical power deep within tissues opens up significant possibilities in optical imaging," Yang says. By tagging cells or molecules that are markers for disease with fluorescent dyes, doctors can use this technique to make diagnoses noninvasively, much as if they were doing an ultrasound procedure.

Doctors might also use this process to treat cancer with photodynamic therapy. In this procedure, a drug that contains light-sensitive, cancer-killing compounds is injected into a patient. Cancer cells absorb those compounds preferentially, so that the compounds kill the cells when light shines on them. Photodynamic therapy is now only used at tissue surfaces, because of the way light is easily scattered. The new technique should allow doctors to reach cancer cells deeper inside tissue.

The team has been able to more than double the current limit for how far light can be focused into tissue. With future improvements on the optoelectronic hardware used to record and play back light, the engineers say, they may be able to reach 10 centimeters (almost 4 inches) -- the depth limit of ultrasound -- within a few years.

Still, the researchers say, their demonstration shows they have overcome the main conceptual hurdle for effectively focusing light deep inside tissue. "This is a big breakthrough, and we're excited about the potential," Judkewitz says. Adds Caltech's Wang, "It's a very new way to image into tissue, which could lead to a lot of promising applications."

The Nature Communications paper is titled "Deep-tissue focal fluorescence imaging with digitally time-reversed ultrasound-encoded light." In addition to Wang, Judkewitz, and Yang, the other author on the paper is Charles DiMarzio of Northeastern University. This work was supported by the National Institutes of Health, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, the Sir Henry Wellcome Postdoctoral Fellowship from the Wellcome Trust, and the National Science Scholarship from the Agency for Science, Technology, and Research in Singapore.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by California Institute of Technology. The original article was written by Marcus Woo.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. Ying Min Wang, Benjamin Judkewitz, Charles A. DiMarzio, Changhuei Yang. Deep-tissue focal fluorescence imaging with digitally time-reversed ultrasound-encoded light. Nature Communications, 2012; 3: 928 DOI: 10.1038/ncomms1925

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.

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Wednesday, June 27, 2012

History unfolds: Queen, ex-IRA chief shake hands

Britain's Queen Elizabeth II shakes hands with Northern Ireland Deputy First Minister and former IRA commander Martin McGuinness at the Lyric Theatre in Belfast, Northern Ireland, Wednesday, June 27, 2012. (AP Photo/Paul Faith/pool)

Britain's Queen Elizabeth II shakes hands with Northern Ireland Deputy First Minister and former IRA commander Martin McGuinness at the Lyric Theatre in Belfast, Northern Ireland, Wednesday, June 27, 2012. (AP Photo/Paul Faith/pool)

Britain's Queen Elizabeth II shakes hands with Northern Ireland Deputy First Minister and former IRA commander Martin McGuinness watched by First minister Peter Robinson, centre, at the Lyric Theatre in Belfast, Northern Ireland, Wednesday, June 27, 2012. (AP Photo/Paul Faith/pool)

Britain's Queen Elizabeth II shakes hands with Northern Ireland Deputy First Minister and former IRA commander Martin McGuinness watched by First minister Peter Robinson, centre, at the Lyric Theatre in Belfast, Northern Ireland, Wednesday, June 27, 2012. (AP Photo/Paul Faith/pool)

Members of the public wave their Union Jack flags as they wait for Britain's Queen Elizabeth II to arrive for a Service of Thanksgiving in Saint Macartin's Cathedral in Enniskillen, Northern Ireland, Tuesday, June 26, 2012. The Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh arrived in Northern Ireland for a two day visit to mark the Queen's Diamond Jubilee. (AP Photo/Peter Morrison)

Britain's Queen Elizabeth II meets the public after a Service of Thanksgiving in Saint Macartin's Cathedral in Enniskillen, Northern Ireland, Tuesday, June 26, 2012. The Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh arrived in Northern Ireland for a two day visit to mark the Queen's Diamond Jubilee. (AP Photo/Peter Morrison)

(AP) ? Queen Elizabeth II and a former Irish Republican Army commander offered each other the hand of peace Wednesday in a long-awaited encounter symbolizing Northern Ireland's progress in achieving reconciliation after decades of violence.

The monarch and Martin McGuinness met privately inside Belfast's riverside Lyric Theatre during a cross-community arts event featuring many of Northern Ireland's top musicians, poets and artists. Media were barred from seeing their first handshake, but the two shook hands again a half-hour later for a TV camera and two photographers.

Underlying the sensitivity of the occasion, no live footage or sound was permitted to be broadcast. Outside, flak-jacketed police shut down all roads surrounding the theater and told residents to stay inside their homes.

The first soundless TV footage showed a serious-faced McGuinness walking, hands behind his back, behind the queen as she met poet Michael Longley and pianist Barry Douglas in front of newly painted portraits of them and other Belfast artists. Also in the group was McGuinness' Protestant colleague atop Northern Ireland's unity government, Peter Robinson; the head of state of the Republic of Ireland, President Michael D. Higgins; and the queen's husband, Prince Philip.

Then, more delayed footage showed McGuinness and Robinson standing first in line to shake the queen's hand, then Philip's. McGuinness and Elizabeth exchanged smiles and brief pleasantries.

McGuinness said he told the queen, in Gaelic, "Goodbye and godspeed," and translated the phrase for her. She didn't appear to say anything, just smiled and listened.

The event marked the latest, perhaps ultimate, moment in two decades of Northern Ireland peacemaking that have delivered a series of once-unthinkable moments of compromise.

Experts say McGuinness, 62, was the IRA's chief of staff when the outlawed group assassinated the queen's cousin, Lord Louis Mountbatten, in 1979, one of the most high-profile victims of a four-decade conflict that has claimed 3,700 lives.

The IRA formally abandoned its campaign to force Northern Ireland out of the United Kingdom and disarmed in 2005. Two years later, McGuinness became the senior Catholic politician in a new unity government, the central objective of Northern Ireland's 1998 peace accord. His coalition with Robinson has governed Northern Ireland in cooperation with Britain in surprising harmony since.

McGuinness' Irish nationalist party, Sinn Fein, had refused all contact with British royals until Wednesday. Its leaders were heavily criticized last year for boycotting the queen's first-ever state visit to the Republic of Ireland, a widely celebrated event that demonstrated overwhelming Irish desire for strong relations with Britain.

The queen came to Belfast on Wednesday as part of U.K.-wide celebrations of her 60th year on the throne. She is scheduled later in the day to see the city's new Titanic exhibition and attend an open-air party involving more than 20,000 locals at Stormont, the hilltop base for Northern Ireland's power-sharing government.

IRA die-hards opposed to the group's 2005 decision to renounce violence and disarm sought to express their disapproval of the queen's visit before she arrived.

Police said nine officers were injured, none seriously, during overnight rioting on the edge of Catholic west Belfast. They said a crowd of about 100 teens and young men bombarded police units with 21 petrol bombs and other makeshift weapons. No arrests were reported, though police cameras videotaped the masked, hooded attackers in hopes of identifying them later.

And in a separate confrontation Tuesday night, one Catholic man was hospitalized after rival Protestant and Catholic groups clashed on the hilltop overlooking Catholic west Belfast. The Protestants were trying to vandalize a massive political display erected by the Catholics featuring an Irish flag and a slogan rejecting the queen.

Associated Press

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Zooey Deschanel Boyfriend? 8 Other Surprising Post-Divorce ...

Does Zooey Deschanel have a new man in her life?

The 32-year-old actress, who filed for divorce from rocker Ben Gibbard in January, is reportedly dating Jamie Linden, a 32-year-old screenwriter whose credits include 2006's "We Are Marshall" and the 2010 adaptation of the Nicholas Sparks' novel "Dear John." (We could have called this one -- remember back in January, when Deschanel playfully told the male audience members at the Writers Guild Awards to "hit on me"?)

The "New Girl" star's new guy got us thinking about other celebs' rebound relationships. Click through the slideshow below to test your knowledge of some of Hollywood's most surprising post-divorce flings.

QUESTION: Which singer-songwriter did Jessica Simpson fall for after her divorce from Nick Lachey?

1? of ?17




a) Jack Johnson b) Jason Mraz c) Damien Rice d) John Mayer

a) Jack Johnson
b) Jason Mraz
c) Damien Rice
d) John Mayer

QUESTION: Which singer-songwriter did Jessica Simpson fall for after her divorce from Nick Lachey?

a) Jack Johnson b) Jason Mraz c) Damien Rice d) John Mayer

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Tuesday, June 26, 2012

The Very Best Home Improvement Tips - Ct Roofing Contractors

It is very important to understand every step and costs involved in home improvement. It is very important to have a good idea and implement the latest trends, especially if the objective is to sell the house.

Source: via Kathy on Pinterest

Also using paint samples will give an idea about the actual feel of the color without having to incur too much cost. ?Some stores will let you try as much as 8 ozs of paint to paint a small wall and get the reel feel for the color. ?Using wallpapers is another good idea! It is unwise to choose the contractors solely on the price they charge. Lastly, minute details as to the color scheme or paints can add a lot to the overall appeal.

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Treatment of Neuropathic Pain: The Functional Rehabilitative ...

Neuropathic pain is notoriously difficult to treat and often do not respond to conventional analgesics. The pain management is often frustrating for the patient and the health care provider. It is rarely possible to predict the high success rate for any single therapy and often the patient will receive multimodal treatment. Treatment often involves trial and error, titration of medications also limited by side effects, and weighing of risks and benefits of therapy. The functional approach to rehabilitation is often highlighted by the return to school and palliative care are the goals that often the pain is persistent. Most pharmacological treatments is based on extrapolation of treatment for adults with opioids, antidepressants, anticonvulsants, and local anesthetic-like drugs demonstrating varying degrees of effectiveness. Most drugs used are not traditional analgesics, and data on the safety and pharmacokinetics of the use of these drugs in children came from clinical trials for the treatment of depression, epilepsy, and enuresis. Generally, a slower titration of these drugs is recommended to minimize side effects and to detect adverse effects. There is often a compromise between moderate analgesia and some side effects.

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What Is Service Oriented Architecture (SOA)?

10:01 PM By Article Directory

'; div.innerHTML = summary; } //]]> What Is Service Oriented Architecture (SOA)? What Is Service Oriented Architecture (SOA)?

Service oriented architecture has gained more popularity with its acronym SOA. But have we ever submerged ourselves a little deep in order to split the basic questions in which everyone gets entwined.

Is SOA a Product or a Technology? Neither it is a technology and definitely not a product. It is a computing methodology that endows with a strategy to architect your IT milieu to respond speedily & cost effectively for business transformation. Or in simpler terms it is the technical facilitator for the today's businesses to competently team up with the other trades & react promptly to the constantly-altering market circumstances at an abridged outlay.

SOA, A Hot Tech Buzz Word - How? Yes, SOA's rising popularity has made it the latest and hottest tech buzz in the www. Era. It is prefixed with almost every product and service today because of the noteworthy benefits that it amasses for them. But this term has to be understood alon g with appreciating the challenges that come with it. It is an answer to the demanding consumers by making businesses agile and helping them survive in context to the survival of the fittest.

Features Illustrated The prominent features in the services in SOA can be stated as under:-

Elemental Building Blocks Can be used disjointedly or as a package Used for compound functionality and customersSOA's Principles For a better understanding of the topic some of the core principles of SOA can be exemplified as:- Discoverability It permits the internal & external customers & systems to discern the services offered by a business through an industry standard registry. Loose-Coupling It consents the business processes to be defined as distinct services, yet grant a mechanism for the services to assimilate and switch over data and messages on a need basis. Composability It facilitates the business to combine existing service into one service offering. This negates obliteration of services and plays down formation of new services. Reusability It lets the businesses to influence existing resources & services without having to generate new ones. Though reuse is not a new-fangled concept, with SOA it acquires a whole new connotation - reuse of business processes in part or full. Interoperability The business will be able to integrate two or more services if the integration points & information exchanged are standardized. Alliance With alliance, a business' competence to proffer services by teaming up with external companies will amplify exponentially.

The above can also be taken as the benefits that accrue to the businesses from SOA.

SOA Implementation The implementation of SOA can be discussed under the three different types of approaches, namely:- Top Down Approach A near utopian solution for organizations building IT infrastructure ground up, for the first time Meticulous & full analysis of business requirements precedes recognition & implementation of services Bottom Up Approach A practical strategy- executed on the foundation of an existing IT infrastructure Permits maximum reuse, implementation precise to existing business requirements Down Side: Probability to diverge from service- oriented concepts is high, owing to no preliminary analysis of the total IT landscape Meeting the Middle ApproachAn optimal Strategy Advocates analysis from a long term standpoint & analogous implementation Reuses existing infrastructure to deliver today's business needs.

Is SOA different from distributed computing or Object Oriented Methodology or Application Service Providers (ASP's)?

SOA is a methodology that evolved over the years taking into account quite a number of computing methodologies & merging it with the business demands of today. It is now mature and is adopted by numerous enterprises universally.Discoverability & Compatibility are two chief distinguishing factors of SOA.

Is SOA different from distributed computing or Object Oriented Methodology or Application Service Providers (ASP's)?

SOA is a methodology that evolved over the years taking into account quite a number of computing methodologies & merging it with the business demands of today. It is now mature and is adopted by numerous enterprises universally. Discoverability & Compatibility are two chief distinguishing factors of SOA. Discoverability - conceptualizes the end clie nts from the location, execution & IT infrastructure of SOA based system. This gives massive suppleness and supplementary security to organizations hosting an SOA based system. Composability on the other hand facilitates composition of business processes on the fly, based on the end-client's requirements. It benefits are enumerated as under:- Reuse of existing implementations of business processes. Custom Empowerment - capability to choose the option customer wants Reduced time to market for new services

A Common Misconception It is a very common misconception that SOA is none other than the Web services itself. But this point needs a clear clarification and that is; Web service is a technology whereas SOA is a methodology. One can implement a methodology utilizing a technology and web services specifically play this role in the context of SOA that has been stated a few words before. Since web-services prop up the core SOA principles, it has become one of the most favored choices.

Benefits that accrue from SOA

Appends value to businesses guaranteed Saves money Augments productivity Trims down / Eliminates Re-Engineering Helps in building agile systems

As the Creative Head of A3Logics Shubraa is responsible for evangelizing the benefits of eminent content to emerging software outsourcing companies. With over 6 years of experience managing global campaigns for enterprise application development companies large & small, Shubraa now shares her lead generation & content writing insights with the small businesses community, helping them improve the content standard & promote their business online as cost effectively as possible.

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It's hard to get excited about another drawn-out business meeting. Stiff chairs. A circle of equally bored faces. Maybe your leg falls asleep from all that sitting, and the what? You jiggle it silently in your seat and stumble gracelessly on your way out the door. More »

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Monday, June 25, 2012

Issa: No evidence so far of White House cover-up

FILE - In this Feb. 9, 2012 file photo, Attorney General Eric holder listens at right as President Barack Obama speaks about a mortgage settlement in the Eisenhower Executive Office building on the White House complex in Washington. Wednesday, President Obama refused to turn over some Justice Department documents about a botched anti-smuggling operation that allowed hundreds of guns sold in Arizona to end up in Mexico. Because of the standoff, the House Government Oversight and Reform Committee then voted to hold Attorney General Eric Holder in contempt of Congress. (AP Photo/Susan Walsh)

FILE - In this Feb. 9, 2012 file photo, Attorney General Eric holder listens at right as President Barack Obama speaks about a mortgage settlement in the Eisenhower Executive Office building on the White House complex in Washington. Wednesday, President Obama refused to turn over some Justice Department documents about a botched anti-smuggling operation that allowed hundreds of guns sold in Arizona to end up in Mexico. Because of the standoff, the House Government Oversight and Reform Committee then voted to hold Attorney General Eric Holder in contempt of Congress. (AP Photo/Susan Walsh)

House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, defends the contempt of Congress vote against Attorney General Eric Holder during a news conference on Capitol Hill in Washington, Thursday, June 21, 2012. (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite)

WASHINGTON (AP) ? The House committee chairman leading the fight to get Justice Department documents about a troubled gun-tracking operation says there's no evidence so far that White House officials were involved in misleading Congress or engaged in a cover-up.

GOP Rep. Darrell Issa says he hopes "this stays at Justice" and the department decides to hand over the requested material about Operation Fast and Furious.

The Republican-controlled House Oversight and Government Reform Committee has cited Attorney General Eric Holder for contempt of Congress. But President Barack Obama has invoked executive privilege to withhold the documents demanded.

House Speaker John Boehner has said Obama's action was "an admission the White House officials were involved in the decision that misled the Congress and covered up the truth."

But Issa was asked on "Fox News Sunday" whether lawmakers had evidence now to support that claim, and he said, "No we don't."

Associated Press

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Business Networking Myths | Business Networking Win

Posted on Jun 24, 2012 in Articles | 0 comments

With the advent of social media and on-line referral generating systems, person-to-person business networking seems to be taking more of a back seat in many marketing plans. And when I look at some of the marketing strategies of new entrepreneurs, I?m surprised that expensive advertising is the primary tactic used to find prospects, and that networking sometimes isn?t even considered a viable option for generating new clients. I?ve been successfully sharing referrals with other business folk for many years now, so I hadn?t considered that the belief systems of some people about business networking could be so different from the reality. There seem to be a lot of myths out there, so let?s bust some of them right now.

Myth 1

Networking is selling.


It is not selling. Selling is about attracting the person in front of you to your product or service. Networking is marketing. It?s about attracting the 200+ people the person in front of you knows to your product or service. Networking is wayyyyyy less stressful for those who are terrified of selling.

Myth 2

Networking is about going to business events and making sure everyone in the room receives your business card.


It is about building relationships with other business folk who have a reciprocal mindset for sharing clients. When I see people desperately trying to work a room by giving everyone their business cards and scurrying off to the next person, here?s what I do. I make them my clients.

Myth 3

Networking is about spending valuable personal time attending events.


It?s a way of life. You can easily build a profitable referral network without ever attending an event.

Myth 4

Networking is about delivering your elevator speech.


Elevator speeches are for addressing an audience at an event. They do not work in day-to-day conversation, where networking is most effective.

Myth 5

Networking is a task that is completed when you walk out the door of an event.


It is a marketing technique that becomes a way of life. When you develop the skills of networking, you can never become the old you again.

Myth 6

Networking is about joining a business referral group and having to work with people you may not like.


There are advantages to joining a business referral group, but you can build a profitable referral network just as effectively without ever joining one.

Myth 7

Only extroverts can be successful at business networking.


I?m an introvert myself. I do a few things differently at events to reduce my anxiety, such as taking frequent breaks to make notes and breathe, but I have found business networking quite manageable.

If your false beliefs about business networking have been holding you back from taking advantage of a referral-based marketing strategy, now is the time to give it a try and see for yourself how effective it can be.

Happy networking!

Dave is the creative energy behind Streetwise Marketing Strategies. Download his free e-book, ?What to do Before, During, and After a Networking Event?, at

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Chinese spacecraft docks with orbiting module

A Chinese spacecraft carrying three astronauts docked manually with an orbiting module on Sunday, a first for the country as it strives to match American and Russian exploits in space.

The Shenzhou 9 capsule's maneuver with the Tiangong 1 module was shown live on national television. It follows a docking last week that was carried out by remote control from a ground base in China.

The Chinese astronauts have been living and working in the module for the past week as part of preparations for manning a permanent space station. They returned to the Shenzhou 9 capsule early Sunday and disconnected in preparation for the manual reconnection.

Wu Ping, spokeswoman for China's manned space program, told reporters in Beijing that hand levers were used to control Shenzhou 9 and position it to dock with the orbiting module. The maneuver was "precise and perfect" and the three astronauts carried it out "calmly and skillfully," Wu said.

"This success in manual docking represents a major breakthrough in our space rendezvous and docking technologies," Wu said.

China's next goals include another manned mission to the module later this year and replacing Tiangong 1, which was launched last year, with a permanent space station around 2020. Possible future missions could also include sending a man to the moon.

China's permanent space station is to weigh about 60 tons, slightly smaller than NASA's Skylab of the 1970s and about one-sixth the size of the 16-nation International Space Station.

The Shenzhou 9 crew includes 33-year-old Liu Yang, an air force pilot and China's first female space traveler. Liu is joined by mission commander and veteran astronaut Jing Haipeng, 45, and crew mate Liu Wang, 43.

Their mission, which is expected to last at least 10 days, is China's fourth manned mission. Shenzhou 9 launched June 16 from the Jiuquan center on the edge of the Gobi desert in northern China.

Wu said the astronauts will spend three to four more days in the module before returning to the capsule and manually separating from Tiangong 1. Once back in Shenzhou 9, they will return to Earth within a day, she said.

China is hoping to join the United States and Russia as the only countries to send independently maintained space stations into orbit. It is already one of just three nations to have launched manned spacecraft on their own.

Wu said China spent 20 billion yuan (US$3.1 billion) on its space program between 1992 and 2005. By the time the next Shenzhou mission is completed, Beijing will have spent an additional 19 billion yuan (US$3 billion), she said.

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Sunday, June 24, 2012

NSA social spy network Facebook to use facial recognition technology to track individuals across photos, videos

(NaturalNews) Have you ever been "tagged" by someone - a friend, a co-worker, or perhaps someone you don't really know that well but who may be a friend of a friend - on Facebook? You may want to rethink that whole concept, thanks to a little purchase the social media giant made recently.

Facebook has purchased's facial recognition technology, which techies say will make it faster and easier to tag photos, but which privacy experts say could become an issue, according to a report in InformationWeek.

The social media company, whose stock price has steadily fallen since its initial public offering in mid-May, paid between $55-60 million for the Israeli-developed mobile recognition technology,, adding that it "could potentially allow you to upload a photo to Facebook while on the go, instantly receive suggestions of whom to tag, and confirm the tags with one click."

"This is important to Facebook because right now there's probably a ton of untagged mobile photos getting posted. Those are lost opportunities for engagement because when you get notified that you've been tagged in a photo, you probably visit Facebook immediately to check it. These tags also help Facebook understand who a photo is relevant to, so it can feature it in the news feeds of your closest friends," reported.

There is something sinister here

In addition to the new programming, Facebook launched a new app - Facebook Camera - in late May, which is described as "a standalone photos app where you can shoot, filter, and share single or sets of photos and scroll through a feed of photos uploaded to Facebook by your friends."

What makes Facebook's purchase of facial recognition tools even more ominous is the company's earlier $1 billion purchase of Instagram, which, notes, can be tied to's program.

How good is this technology? Think three letters: "C-I-A."'s technology allows users to recognize faces even when conditions are poor, such as low lighting. So now Facebook has a) a super-advanced facial recognition program; b) a brand-new camera app; and c) the ability to post photos instantly.

All because the company believes the "next big thing" in social media is being able to post pictures in real-time so that your friends can quickly latch onto them?

Maybe, but this is pretty high-tech stuff for a social media site and, given Facebook's (and Google's, and other sites') penchant for ripping off your personal information and invading your privacy, there is plenty here for concern.

No doubt the additions will make it easier for Facebook users to identify friends in photos and video - especially those on mobile devices - and that businesses could benefit by being able to better track "when and where their products are being talked about and promoted, especially with the rise of social sharing sites like Pinterest," InformationWeek reported.

But at what cost to privacy? And how much easier will these technology additions make it for government snoops to "tag" and track you?

To tag or not to tag?

"Facebook's page on photo tagging provides advice to users on how to limit or eliminate visibility of photos they are tagged in, as well as on how to remove tags, but the process can quickly become complicated and hard to keep up with," says the IW report. "Businesses must take care to ensure that increased use of tagging does not result in increased privacy concerns for customers."

There is legitimate concern this technology will most likely be used to deepen network databases already developed to conduct passive domestic surveillance on Americans by documenting relationships between people.

Imagine being "tagged" in a photo of someone who, without your knowledge, is involved in criminal activity. Since you are tied to that person, will that be justification for authorities to pry through your personal life, which they will justify by saying they were only trying to conduct a "thorough investigation?"

Think before you tag (or allow yourself to be tagged).


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Cambodia not to extradite French architect with alleged links disgraced Chinese politican Bo Xilai

Native name155 px Pre?h R?ach?anach?k K?mp?ch?a
Conventional long nameKingdom of Cambodia
Common nameCambodia
Image coatRoyal Arms of Cambodia.svg
Symbol typeRoyal Arms
Map caption
National motto160px Nation, Religion, King
National anthem
File:United States Navy Band - Nokoreach.ogg
Nokor Reach Majestic Kingdom
Official languagesKhmer
Languages typeOfficial script
LanguagesKhmer script
Usual languagesKhmer, French
National flowerrumdul
DemonymKhmer or Cambodian
Ethnic groups90.0% Khmer 5.0% Vietnamese 1.0% Chinese 4.0% other
CapitalPhnom Penh
Largest citycapital
Government typeUnitary parliamentary constitutional monarchy
Leader title1King
Leader name1Norodom Sihamoni
Leader title2Prime Minister
Leader name2Hun Sen (CPP)
Leader title3Senate President
Leader name3Chea Sim (CPP)
Leader title4President of National Assembly
Leader name4Heng Samrin (CPP)
Upper houseSenate
Lower houseNational Assembly
Sovereignty typeFormation
Established event1Funan Kingdom
Established date168
Established event2Chenla Kingdom
Established date2550
Established event3Khmer Empire
Established date3802
Established event4French Colonization
Established date41863
Established event5Independence from France
Established date5November 9, 1953
Established event6Monarchy Restored
Established date6September 24, 1993
Area rank88th
Area km2181,035
Area sq mi69,898
Percent water2.5
Population estimate14,805,358
Population estimate year2011
Population estimate rank65th
Population census13,388,910
Population census year2008
Population density km281.8
Population density sq mi211.8
Population density rank118th
Gdp ppp year2011
Gdp ppp$33.463?billion
Gdp ppp per capita$2,470
Gdp nominal$12.861?billion
Gdp nominal year2011
Gdp nominal per capita$1,024
Gini categorymedium
Gini year2007
Hdi year2011
Hdi 0.523
Hdi rank139th
Hdi categorymedium
Currency codeKHR
Utc offset+7
Drives onright
Calling code+855
Footnote1The US Dollar is often used }}
Cambodia (; , Kampuchea, ), officially known as the Kingdom of Cambodia, is a country located in the southern portion of the Indochina Peninsula in Southeast Asia. With a total landmass of 181,035 square kilometres (69,898 sq mi), it is bordered by Thailand to the northwest, Laos to the northeast, Vietnam to the east, and the Gulf of Thailand to the southwest.

With a population of over 14.8?million, Cambodia is the 68th most populous country in the world. The official religion is Theravada Buddhism, which is practiced by around 95% of the Cambodian population. The country minority groups include Vietnamese, Chinese, Chams and 30 various hill tribes. The capital and largest city is Phnom Penh; the political, economic, and cultural center of Cambodia. The kingdom is a constitutional monarchy with Norodom Sihamoni, a monarch chosen by the Royal Throne Council, as head of state. The head of government is Hun Sen, who is currently the longest serving leader in South East Asia and has ruled Cambodia for over 25 years.

In 802 AD Jayavarman II declared himself king which marked the beginning of the Khmer Empire. Successive kings flourished which marked the Khmer empire's immense power and wealth who dominate much of Southeast Asia for over 600 years. Cambodia was ruled as a vassal between its neighbors, until it was colonized by the French in mid-19th century. Cambodia gained independence in 1953. The Vietnam War extended into Cambodia, giving rise to the Khmer Rouge, which took Phnom Penh in 1975. Cambodia reemerged several years later within a socialistic sphere of influence as the People's Republic of Kampuchea until 1993. After years of isolation, the war-ravaged nation was reunited under the monarchy in 1993.

Rebuilding from decades of civil war, Cambodia has seen rapid progress in the economic and human resource areas. The country has had one of the best economic records in Asia, with economic growth growing an average 6.0% for the last 10 years. Strong textiles, agriculture, construction, garments, and tourism sectors led to foreign investments and international trade. In 2005, oil and natural gas deposits were found beneath Cambodia's territorial waters, and once commercial extraction begins in 2013, the oil revenues could profoundly affect Cambodia's economy.


The official name of the country is the Kingdom of Cambodia, Pre?h R?ach?anach?k K?mp?ch?a. In the Khmer language, the country is named Kampuchea (). The Khmers often refer to their country using the polite form Pr?teh Kampuchea () literally "The Country of Cambodia"; Cambodians also most commonly use the more colloquial term Srok Khmer (), "The Land of the Khmers". The English name "Cambodia" is derived from the French "Cambodge", from Kampuchea.



There is some sparse evidence for a Pleistocene human occupation of present day Cambodia, which includes quartz and quartzite pebble tools found in terraces along the Mekong River, in Stung Treng and Krati? provinces, and in Kampot Province, although their dating is unreliable.

Some slight archaeological evidence shows communities of hunter-gatherers inhabited Cambodia during Holocene: the most ancient Cambodian archeological site is considered to be the cave of L'aang Spean, in Battambang Province, which belongs to the so-called Hoabinhian period. Excavations in its lower layers produced a series of radiocarbon dates as of 6000 BC.

Upper layers in the same site gave evidence of transition to Neolithic, containing the earliest dated earthenware ceramics in Cambodia

Archeological records for the period between Holocene and Iron Age remain equally limited. Other prehistoric sites of somewhat uncertain date are Samrong Sen (not far from the ancient capital of Udong), where the first investigations began in 1877, and Phum Snay, in the northern province of Banteay Meanchey. Prehistoric artifacts are often found during mining activities in Ratanakiri.

The most outstanding prehistoric evidence in Cambodia however are probably various "circular earthworks", discovered in the red soils near Memot and in the adjacent region of Vietnam as of the end of the 1950s. Their function and age are still debated, but some of them possibly date from 2nd millennium BC at least.

A pivotal event in Cambodian prehistory was the slow penetration of the first rice farmers from the north, which began in the late 3rd millennium BC.

Iron was worked by about 500 BC, with supporting evidence coming from the Khorat Plateau, in modern day Thailand. In Cambodia, some Iron Age settlements were found beneath Angkorian temples, like Baksei Chamkrong. Others were circular earthworks, like Lovea, a few kilometers north-west of Angkor. Burials, much richer, testify to improvement of food availability and trade (even on long distances: in the 4th century BC trade relations with India were already opened) and the existence of a social structure and labor organization.

Pre-Angkorian era and Angkorian era

During the 3rd, 4th, and 5th centuries, the Indianised states of Funan and Chenla coalesced in present-day Cambodia and southwestern Vietnam. For more than 2,000 years, Cambodia absorbed influences from India, passing them on to other Southeast Asian civilizations that are now Thailand and Laos. The Khmer Empire flourished in the area from the 9th to the 13th centuries. Around the 13th century, Theravada Buddhism was introduced to the area through monks from Sri Lanka. From then on, Theravada Buddhism grew and eventually became the popular religion.

The Khmer Empire was Southeast Asia's largest empire during the 12th century and it remained very powerful. The empire declined yet remained powerful in the region until the 15th century. The empire's centre of power was Angkor, where a series of capitals was constructed during the empire's zenith. In 2007 an international team of researchers using satellite photographs and other modern techniques concluded that Angkor had been the largest pre-industrial city in the world with an urban sprawl of 1,150 square miles. The city could have supported a population of up to one million people and Angkor Wat, the most famous and best-preserved religious temple at the site, are reminders of Cambodia's past as a major regional power.

Dark ages of Cambodia

After a long series of wars with neighboring kingdoms, Angkor was sacked by the Ayutthaya Kingdom and abandoned in 1432 because of ecological failure and infrastructure breakdown. This led to a period of economic, social, and cultural stagnation when the kingdom's internal affairs came increasingly under the control of its neighbors. By this time, the Khmer penchant for monument building had ceased. Older faiths such as Mahayana Buddhism and the Hindu cult of the god-king had been supplanted by Theravada Buddhism for good.

The court moved the capital to Longvek where the kingdom sought to regain its glory through maritime trade. Portuguese and Spanish travelers described the city as a place of flourishing wealth and foreign trade. The attempt was short-lived however, as continued wars with the Ayutthaya and the Vietnamese resulted in the loss of more territory and Longvek being conquered in 1594. Not long after the conquer of Siamese, the wall of Longvek broke within three days after the order of King Naresuan the Great of Ayutthaya Kingdom. Shortly after, with the capturing of Longvek by the Siamese, the nation never fully recovered and was under colonization of Siam for long periods of time. During the next three centuries, the Khmer kingdom alternated as a vassal state of the Ayutthaya Kingdom and Vietnamese kings, as well as short-lived periods of relative independence.

A new Khmer capital was established at Udong south of Longvek, but its monarchs could survive only by entering into what amounted to vassal relationships with the Siamese and Vietnamese. A renewed struggle between Siam and Vietnam for control of Cambodia in the nineteenth century resulted in a period when Vietnamese officials attempted to force the Khmers to adopt Vietnamese customs. This led to several rebellions against the Vietnamese. The Siamese?Vietnamese War (1841?1845) ended with an agreement to place the country under joint suzerainty. This later led to the signing of a treaty for French Protection of Cambodia by King Norodom I.

French colonization

In 1863 King Norodom, who had been installed by Thailand, sought the protection of France from the Thai and Vietnamese after tensions grew between them. In 1867 the Thai king signed a treaty with France, renouncing suzerainty over Cambodia in exchange for the control of Battambang and Siem Reap provinces which officially became part of Thailand. The provinces were ceded back to Cambodia by a border treaty between France and Thailand in 1906.

Cambodia continued as a protectorate of France from 1863 to 1953, administered as part of the colony of French Indochina, though occupied by the Japanese empire from 1941 to 1945. Between 1874 and 1962, the total population increased from about 946,000 to 5.7?million. After King Norodom's death in 1904, France manipulated the choice of king, and Sisowath, Norodom's brother, was placed on the throne. The throne became vacant in 1941 with the death of Monivong, Sisowath's son, and France passed over Monivong's son, Monireth, feeling he was too independently minded. Instead, Norodom Sihanouk, a maternal grand-son of king Sisowath was enthroned. The French thought young Sihanouk would be easy to control. They were wrong, however, and under the reign of King Norodom Sihanouk, Cambodia gained independence from France on November 9, 1953.

Independence and Vietnam War

Cambodia became a constitutional monarchy under King Norodom Sihanouk. When French Indochina was given independence, Cambodia lost official control over the Mekong Delta as it was awarded to Vietnam. The area had been controlled by the Vietnamese since 1698 with King Chey Chettha II granting Vietnamese permission to settle in the area decades before.

In 1955, Sihanouk abdicated in favour of his father in order to participate in politics and was elected prime minister. Upon his father's death in 1960, Sihanouk again became head of state, taking the title of prince. As the Vietnam War progressed, Sihanouk adopted an official policy of neutrality in the Cold War, although he was widely considered to be sympathetic to the communist cause. Sihanouk allowed the Vietnamese communists to use Cambodia as a sanctuary and a supply route for their arms and other aid to their armed forces fighting in South Vietnam. This policy was perceived as humiliating by many Cambodians. In December 1967 Washington Post journalist Stanley Karnow was told by Sihanouk that if the US wanted to bomb the Vietnamese communist sanctuaries, he would not object, unless Cambodians were killed. The same message was conveyed to US President Johnson's emissary Chester Bowles in January 1968. So the US had no real motivation to overthrow Sihanouk. However members of the government and army, who resented Sihanouk's ruling style as well as his tilt away from the United States, did have such a motivation. While visiting Beijing in 1970 Sihanouk was ousted by a military coup led by Prime Minister General Lon Nol and Prince Sisowath Sirik Matak. There is no evidence of any US role in the coup. However once the coup was completed the new regime, which immediately demanded that the Vietnamese communists leave Cambodia, gained the political support of the United States. The North Vietnamese and Viet Cong forces, desperate to retain their sanctuaries and supply lines from North Vietnam, immediately launched armed attacks on the new government. The king urged his followers to help in overthrowing this government, hastening the onset of civil war, Soon the Khmer Rouge rebels began using him to gain support. However from 1970 until early 1972 the Cambodian conflict was largely one between the government and army of Cambodia, and the armed forces of North Vietnam. As they gained control of Cambodian territory the Vietnamese communists imposed a new political infrastructure, which was eventually dominated by the Cambodian communists we now refer to as the Khmer Rouge. So the Vietnamese communists played a vital role in the rise of the Khmer Rouge. Between 1969 and 1973, Republic of Vietnam forces and U.S. forces bombed and briefly invaded Cambodia in an effort to disrupt the Viet Cong and Khmer Rouge. Some two million Cambodians were made refugees by the war and by the terrorist policies of the Khmer Rouge, and fled to Phnom Penh. Estimates of the number of Cambodians killed during the bombing campaigns vary widely, as do views of the effects of the bombing. The U.S. Seventh Air Force argued that the bombing prevented the fall of Phnom Penh in 1973 by killing 16,000 of 25,500 Khmer Rouge fighters besieging the city. However, journalist William Shawcross and Cambodia specialists Milton Osborne, David P. Chandler and Ben Kiernan argued that the bombing drove peasants to join the Khmer Rouge. Cambodia specialist Craig Etcheson argued that the Khmer Rouge "would have won anyway", even without U.S. intervention driving recruitment. American diplomat Timothy M. Carney argued that the five reasons why Pol Pot won the war were: support from Sihanouk, massive supplies of military aid from North Vietnam, government corruption, the U.S. cut-off in air support after Watergate, and the determination of the Cambodian Communists. Not one of them in his opinion was the U.S. bombing.

Khmer Rouge regime

As the Vietnam War ended, a draft USAID report observed that the country faced famine in 1975, with 75% of its draft animals destroyed, and that rice planting for the next harvest would have to be done "by the hard labour of seriously malnourished people". The report predicted that
"Without large-scale external food and equipment assistance there will be widespread starvation between now and next February?... Slave labour and starvation rations for half the nation's people (probably heaviest among those who supported the republic) will be a cruel necessity for this year, and general deprivation and suffering will stretch over the next two or three years before Cambodia can get back to rice self-sufficiency".

The Khmer Rouge reached Phnom Penh and took power in 1975. The regime, led by Pol Pot, changed the official name of the country to Democratic Kampuchea. The regime modelled itself on Maoist China during the Great Leap Forward. The regime immediately evacuated the cities and sent the entire population on forced marches to rural work projects. They attempted to rebuild the country's agriculture on the model of the 11th century, discarded Western medicine, and destroyed temples, libraries, and anything considered Western. At least a million Cambodians, out of a total population of 8 million, died from executions, overwork, starvation and disease.

Estimates as to how many people were killed by the Khmer Rouge regime range from approximately one to three million; the most commonly cited figure is two million (about one-third of the population). This era gave rise to the term Killing Fields, and the prison Tuol Sleng became notorious for its history of mass killing. Hundreds of thousands fled across the border into neighbouring Thailand. The regime disproportionately targeted ethnic minority groups. The Cham Muslims suffered serious purges with as much as half of their population exterminated.

In the late 1960s, an estimated 425,000 ethnic Chinese lived in Cambodia, but by 1984, due to Khmer Rouge killings and to emigration, only about 61,400 Chinese remained in the country. Forced repatriation in 1970 and deaths during the Khmer Rouge era reduced the Vietnamese population in Cambodia from between 250,000 and 300,000 in 1969 to a reported 56,000 in 1984. However most of the victims of the Khmer Rouge regime were not ethnic minorities but ethnic Khmer. Professionals, such as doctors, lawyers and teachers, were also targeted. According to Robert D. Kaplan, "eyeglasses were as deadly as the yellow star" as they were seen as a sign of intellectualism.

Vietnamese occupation and transition

In November 1978, Vietnamese troops invaded Cambodia in response to border raids by the Khmer Rouge. The People's Republic of Kampuchea (PRK), a Pro-Soviet state led by the Kampuchean People's Revolutionary Party, a party created by the Vietnamese in 1951, and led by a group of Khmer Rouge who had fled Cambodia to avoid being purged by Pol Pot and Ta Mok, was established. It was fully beholden to the occupying Vietnamese army and under direction of the Vietnamese ambassador to Phnom Penh. Its arms came from Vietnam and the Soviet Union. In opposition to the newly-created state, a government-in-exile referred to as the Coalition Government of Democratic Kampuchea (CGDK) was formed in 1981 from three factions. This consisted of the Khmer Rouge, a royalist faction led by Sihanouk, and the Khmer People's National Liberation Front. Its credentials were recognized by the United Nations. The Khmer Rouge representative to the UN, Thiounn Prasith, was retained, but he had to work in consultation with representatives of the noncommunist Cambodian parties.

Throughout the 1980s the CGDK, supplied by China, Thailand, the United States and the United Kingdom controlled parts of the country and attacked some of the territory not under their dominance. The refusal of Vietnam to withdraw from Cambodia led to economic sanctions by the U.S. and its allies, made reconstruction virtually impossible and left the country deeply impoverished.

Peace efforts began in Paris in 1989 under the State of Cambodia, culminating two years later in October 1991 in a comprehensive peace settlement. The UN was given a mandate to enforce a ceasefire and deal with refugees and disarmament known as the United Nations Transitional Authority in Cambodia (UNTAC).

In 1993, Norodom Sihanouk was restored as King of Cambodia, but all power was in the hands of the government established after the UNTAC sponsored elections. The stability established following the conflict was shaken in 1997 by a coup d'?tat led by the co-Prime Minister Hun Sen against the noncommunist parties in the government. Many of the noncommunist politicians were murdered by Hun Sen's forces. In recent years, reconstruction efforts have progressed and led to some political stability through political repression of a multiparty democracy under a constitutional monarchy. In July 2010 Kang Kek Iew was the first Khmer Rouge member found guilty of war crimes and crimes against humanity in his role as the former commandant of the S21 extermination camp. He was sentenced to life in prison. However Hun Sen has opposed any extensive trials of former Khmer Rouge mass murderers. He says that this is because he wishes to avoid political instability. However it is more likely because of the prevalence of former Khmer Rouge at the highest levels of Cambodia's national and local government structures.



National politics in Cambodia take place within the framework of the nation's constitution of 1993. The government is a constitutional monarchy operated as a parliamentary representative democracy. The Prime Minister of Cambodia, an office held by Hun Sen since 1985, is the head of government, while the King of Cambodia (currently Norodom Sihamoni) is the head of state. The prime minister is appointed by the king, on the advice and with the approval of the National Assembly

The prime minister and the ministerial appointees exercise executive power while legislative powers are shared by the executive and the bicameral Parliament of Cambodia, which consists of a lower house, the National Assembly or Radhsphea and an upper house, the Senate or S?nat. Members of the 123-seat Assembly are elected through a system of proportional representation and serve for a maximum term of five years. The Senate has 58 seats, two of which are appointed by the king and two others by the National Assembly, and the rest elected by the commune councillors from 24 provinces of Cambodia. Senators serve five year terms.

On October 14, 2004, King Norodom Sihamoni was selected by a special nine-member throne council, part of a selection process that was quickly put in place after the abdication of King Norodom Sihanouk a week prior. Sihamoni's selection was endorsed by Prime Minister Hun Sen and National Assembly Speaker Prince Norodom Ranariddh (the king's half brother and current chief advisor), both members of the throne council. He was enthroned in Phnom Penh on October 29, 2004.

The Cambodian People's Party (CPP) is the major ruling party in Cambodia. The CPP controls the lower and upper chambers of parliament, with 73 seats in the National Assembly and 43 seats in the Senate. The opposition Sam Rainsy Party is the second largest party in Cambodia with 26 seats in the National Assembly and 2 in the Senate.


The Royal Cambodian Army, Royal Cambodian Navy, Royal Cambodian Air Force and Royal Gendarmerie collectively form the Royal Cambodian Armed Forces, under the command of the Ministry of National Defense, presided over by the Prime Minister of Cambodia. His Majesty King Norodom Sihamoni is the Supreme Commander of the Royal Cambodian Armed Forces (RCAF), and the country's Prime Minister Hun Sen effectively holds the position of commander-in-chief.

The introduction of a revised command structure early in 2000 was a key prelude to the reorganisation of the Cambodian military. This saw the defence ministry form three subordinate general departments responsible for logistics and finance, materials and technical services, and defence services under the High Command Headquarters (HCHQ).

The minister of National Defence is General Tea Banh. Banh has served as defence minister since 1979. The Secretaries of State for Defence are Chay Saing Yun and Por Bun Sreu. The new Commander-in-Chief of the RCAF and was replaced by his deputy General Pol Saroeun, who is a long time loyalist of Prime Minister Hun Sen. The Army Commander is General Meas Sophea and the Army Chief of Staff is Chea Saran.

In 2010, the Royal Cambodian Armed Forces comprised about 210,000 personnel. Total Cambodian military spending stands at 3% of national GDP. The Royal Gendarmerie of Cambodia total more than 7,000 personnel. Its civil duties include providing security and public peace, to investigate and prevent organized crime, terrorism and other violent groups; to protect state and private property; to help and assist civilians and other emergency forces in a case of emergency, natural disaster, civil unrest and armed conflicts.

Foreign relations

The foreign relations of Cambodia are handled by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs under H.E. Hor Namhong.

Cambodia is a member of the United Nations, the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund. It is a member of the Asian Development Bank (ADB), ASEAN, and joined the WTO on October 13, 2004. In 2005 Cambodia attended the inaugural East Asia Summit in Malaysia. On November 23, 2009, Cambodia reinstated the membership to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). Cambodia first became a member of IAEA on February 6, 1958 but withdrew its membership on March 26, 2003. Cambodia has established diplomatic relations with numerous countries; the government reports twenty embassies in the country including many of its Asian neighbours and those of important players during the Paris peace negotiations, including the US, Australia, Canada, China, the European Union (EU), Japan, and Russia. As a result of its international relations, various charitable organizations have assisted with social, economical, and civil infrastructure needs.

In recent years, bilateral relations between the United States and Cambodia have strengthened. The U.S. supports efforts in Cambodia to combat terrorism, build democratic institutions, promote human rights, foster economic development, eliminate corruption, achieve the fullest possible accounting for Americans missing from the Vietnam War-era, and to bring to justice those most responsible for serious violations of international humanitarian law committed under the Khmer Rouge regime. China's geopolitical interest in Cambodia changed significantly with the end of the Cold War. It retains considerable influence, including close links with former King Norodom Sihanouk, senior members of Cambodian Government, and the ethnic Chinese community in Cambodia. There are regular high level exchanges between the two countries. Japan has been a vital contributor to Cambodia?s rehabilitation and reconstruction since the high-profile UN Transitional Authority (UNTAC) mission and elections in 1993. Japan provided some US$1.2?billion in total overseas development assistance (ODA) during the period since 1992 and remains Cambodia?s top donor country.

While the violent ruptures of the 1970s and 80s have passed, several border disputes between Cambodia and its neighbours persist. There are disagreements over some offshore islands and sections of the boundary with Vietnam and undefined maritime boundaries and border areas with Thailand. Both Cambodian and Thai troops have clashed over land immediately adjacent to the Preah Vihear temple, leading to a deterioration in relations. The International Court of Justice in 1962 awarded the temple to Cambodia but was unclear regarding some of the surrounding land. Both countries blamed the other for firing first and denied entering the other's territory.


Cambodia has an area of 181,035 square kilometers (69,898?sq?mi) and lies entirely within the tropics, between latitudes 10? and 15?N, and longitudes 102? and 108?E. It borders Thailand to the north and west, Laos to the northeast, and Vietnam to the east and southeast. It has a 443-kilometer (275?mi) coastline along the Gulf of Thailand.

Cambodia?s landscape is characterized by a low-lying central plain that is surrounded by uplands and low mountains and includes the Tonle Sap (Great Lake) and the upper reaches of the Mekong River delta. Extending outward from this central region are transitional plains, thinly forested and rising to elevations of about 650 feet (200 metres) above sea level. To the north the Cambodian plain abuts a sandstone escarpment, which forms a southward-facing cliff stretching more than 200 miles (320?km) from west to east and rising abruptly above the plain to heights of 600 to 1,800 feet (180 to 550 metres). This escarpment marks the southern limit of the D?ngr?k Mountains.

Flowing south through the country?s eastern regions is the Mekong River. East of the Mekong the transitional plains gradually merge with the eastern highlands, a region of forested mountains and high plateaus that extend into Laos and Vietnam. In southwestern Cambodia two distinct upland blocks, the Kr?vanh Mountains and the D?mrei Mountains, form another highland region that covers much of the land area between the Tonle Sap and the Gulf of Thailand. In this remote and largely uninhabited area, Phnom Aural, Cambodia?s highest peak, rises to an elevation of 5,949 feet (1,813 metres). The southern coastal region adjoining the Gulf of Thailand is a narrow lowland strip, heavily wooded and sparsely populated, which is isolated from the central plain by the southwestern highlands.

The most distinctive geographical feature is the inundations of the Tonle Sap (Great Lake), measuring about 2,590 square kilometers (1,000?sq?mi) during the dry season and expanding to about 24,605 square kilometers (9,500?sq?mi) during the rainy season. This densely populated plain, which is devoted to wet rice cultivation, is the heartland of Cambodia. Much of this area has been designated as a biosphere reserve.


Cambodia's climate, like that of the rest of Southeast Asia, is dominated by monsoons, which are known as tropical wet and dry because of the distinctly marked seasonal differences.

Cambodia has a temperature range from and experiences tropical monsoons. Southwest monsoons blow inland bringing moisture-laden winds from the Gulf of Thailand and Indian Ocean from May to October. The northeast monsoon ushers in the dry season, which lasts from November to March. The country experiences the heaviest precipitation from September to October with the driest period occurring from January to February.

Cambodia has two distinct seasons. The rainy season, which runs from May to October, can see temperatures drop to and is generally accompanied with high humidity. The dry season lasts from November to April when temperatures can rise up to around April. Disastrous flooding occurred in 2001 and again in 2002, with some degree of flooding almost every year.


Cambodia has a wide variety of plants and animals. There are 212 mammal species, 536 bird species, 240 reptile species, 850 freshwater fish species (Tonle Sap Lake area), and 435 marine fish species. Much of this biodiversity is contained around the Tonle Sap Lake and the surrounding biosphere. The Tonle Sap Biosphere Reserve is a unique ecological phenomenon surrounding the Tonle Sap. It encompasses the lake and nine provinces: Kampong Thom, Siem Reap, Battambang, Pursat, Kampong Chhnang, Banteay Meanchey, Pailin, Oddar Meanchey and Preah Vihear. In 1997, it was successfully nominated as a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve. Other key habitats include the dry forest of Mondolkiri and Ratanakiri provinces and the Cardamom Mountains ecosystem, including Bokor National Park, Botum-Sakor National Park, and the Phnom Aural and Phnom Samkos wildlife sanctuaries.

The rate of deforestation in Cambodia is one of the highest in the world. Cambodia's primary rainforest cover fell from over 70% in 1969 to just 3.1% in 2007. In total, Cambodia lost of forest between 1990 and 2005? of which was primary forest. Since 2007, less than of primary forest remain with the result that the future sustainability of the forest reserves of Cambodia is under severe threat, with illegal loggers looking to generate revenue.

Administrative divisions

The capital (reach thani) and provinces (khaet) of Cambodia are first-level administrative divisions. Cambodia is divided into 24 provinces including the capital.

Municipalities and districts are the second-level administrative divisions of Cambodia. The provinces are subdivided into 159 districts and 26 municipalities. The districts and municipalities in turn are further divided into communes (khum) and quarters (sangkat).

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In 2011 Cambodia's per capita income in PPP is $2,470 and $1,040 in nominal per capita. Cambodia's per capita income is rapidly increasing but is low compared to other countries in the region. Most rural households depend on agriculture and its related sub-sectors. Rice, fish, timber, garments and rubber are Cambodia's major exports. The International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) reintroduced more than 750 traditional rice varieties to Cambodia from its rice seed bank in the Philippines. These varieties had been collected in the 1960s. Based on the Economist, IMF: Annual average GDP growth for the period 2001?2010 was 7.7% making it one of the world's top ten countries with the highest annual average GDP growth. Tourism was Cambodia's fastest growing industry, with arrivals increasing from 219,000 in 1997 to 2 million in 2007. In 2004, inflation was at 1.7% and exports at $1.6?billion US$.

China is Cambodia's biggest source of foreign direct investment in the kingdom. China plans to spend $8?billion in 360 projects in the first seven months of 2011. It is also the largest source of foreign aid, providing about $600?million in 2007 and $260?million in 2008.

The National Bank of Cambodia is the central bank of Cambodia and provides regulatory oversight to the countries banking sector and is responsible in part for increasing the foreign direct investment in to the Kingdom. Between 2010 and 2012 the number of regulated banks and micro-finance institutions increased from 31 covered entities to over 70 individual institutions underlining the growth within the Cambodian banking and finance sector.

In 2012 Credit Bureau Cambodia was established with direct regulatory oversight by the National Bank of Cambodia. The Credit Bureau further increases the transparency and stability within the Cambodian Banking Sector as all banks and Micro-finance companies are now required by law to report accurate facts and figures relating to loans performance in the country.

One of the largest challenges facing Cambodia is still the fact that the older population often lacks education, particularly in the countryside, which suffers from a lack of basic infrastructure. Fear of renewed political instability and corruption within the government discourage foreign investment and delay foreign aid, although there has been significant aid from bilateral and multilateral donors. Donors pledged $504?million to the country in 2004, while the Asian Development Bank alone has provided $850?million in loans, grants, and technical assistance.


The tourism industry is the country's second-greatest source of hard currency after the textile industry. Between January and December 2007, visitor arrivals were 2.0?million, an increase of 18.5% over the same period in 2006. Most visitors (51%) arrived through Siem Reap with the remainder (49%) through Phnom Penh and other destinations. Other tourist destinations include Sihanoukville in the south east which has several popular beach resorts and the area around Kampot and Kep including the Bokor Hill Station. Tourism has increased steadily each year in the relatively stable period since the 1993 UNTAC elections; in 1993 there were 118,183 international tourists, and in 2009 there were 2,161,577 international tourists.

Most of the tourists were Japanese, Chinese, Filipinos, Americans, South Koreans and French people, said the report, adding that the industry earned some 1,400?million U.S. dollars in 2007, accounting for almost ten percent of the kingdom's gross national products. Chinese-language newspaper Jianhua Daily quoted industry official as saying that Cambodia will have three million foreign tourist arrivals in 2010 and five million in 2015. Tourism has been one of Cambodia's triple pillar industries. The Angkor Wat historical park in Siem Reap province, the beaches in Sihanoukville and the capital city Phnom Penh are the main attractions for foreign tourists.


As of 2010, Cambodia has an estimated population of 14,805,358 people. Ninety percent of Cambodia's population is of Khmer origin and speak the Khmer language, the country's official language. Cambodia's population is relatively homogeneous. Its minority groups include Vietnamese (2,200,000), Chinese (1,180,000), Cham (317,000), and Khmer Loeu (550,000). The country's birth rate is 25.4 per 1,000. Its population growth rate is 1.70%, significantly higher than those of Thailand, South Korea, and India.

The Khmer language is a member of the Mon?Khmer subfamily of the Austroasiatic language group. French, once the language of government in Indochina, is still spoken by many older Cambodians. French is also the language of instruction in some schools and universities that are funded by the government of France. Cambodian French, a remnant of the country's colonial past, is a dialect found in Cambodia and is sometimes used in government, particularly in court.

In recent decades, many younger Cambodians and those in the business-class have favoured learning English. In the major cities and tourist centers, English is widely spoken and taught at a large number of schools because of the overwhelming number of tourists from English-speaking countries. Even in the most rural outposts, most young people speak at least some English, as it is often taught by monks at the local pagodas where many children are educated.

The civil war and its aftermath have markedly affected the Cambodian population; 50% of the population is younger than 22 years old. At a 1.04 female to male ratio, Cambodia has the most female-biased sex ratio in the Greater Mekong Subregion. In the Cambodian population over 65, the female to male ratio is 1.6:1.


Theravada Buddhism is the official religion of Cambodia, which is practiced by more than 95 percent of the population. The Theravada Buddhist tradition is widespread and strong in all provinces, with an estimated 4,392 monastery temples throughout the country. The vast majority of ethnic Khmers are Buddhist, and there are close associations between Buddhism, cultural traditions, and daily life. Adherence to Buddhism generally is considered intrinsic to the country's ethnic and cultural identity. Religion in Cambodia, including Buddhism, was suppressed by the Khmer Rouge during the late 1970s but has since experienced a revival.

Islam is the religion of the majority of the Chams and Malay minorities in Cambodia. The majority of Muslims are Sunnis of the Shafi'i school and are highly populated in Kampong Cham Province. Currently there are more than 300,000 Muslims in the country.

One percent of Cambodians are identified as being Christian, of which Catholics make up the largest group followed by Protestants. There are currently 20,000 Catholics in Cambodia which represents 0.15% of the total population. Other Christian denominations include Baptists, The Christian and Missionary Alliance, Methodists, Jehovah's Witnesses, Apostolic or United Pentecostals, and The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Mahayana Buddhism is the religion of the majority of Chinese and Vietnamese in Cambodia. Elements of other religious practices, such as the veneration of folk heroes and ancestors, Confucianism, and Taoism mix with Chinese Buddhism are also practiced. {{bar box |title= Religion in Cambodia |titlebar=#ddd |left1=Religion |right1=percent |float=right |bars= }}


The Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports is responsible for establishing national policies and guidelines for education in Cambodia. The Cambodian education system is heavily decentralised, with three levels of government, central, provincial and district ? responsible for its management. The constitution of Cambodia promulgates free compulsory education for nine years, guaranteeing the universal right to basic quality education.

In 2004 it was estimated that 73.6% of the population was literate (84.7% of males and 64.1% of females). Male youth age (15?24 years) have a literacy rate of 89% compared to 86% for females.

The education system in Cambodia continues to face many challenges, but during the past years there have been significant improvements, especially in terms of primary net enrollment gains, the introduction of program based-budgeting, and the development of a policy framework which helps disadvantaged children to gain access to education. Many of Cambodia's most acclaimed universities are based in Phnom Penh.

Traditionally, education in Cambodia was offered by the wats (Buddhist temples), thus providing education exclusively for the male population During the Khmer Rouge regime, education suffered significant setbacks.


The quality of health in Cambodia is rising. As of 2010, the life expectancy is 60 years for males and 65 years for females, a major improvement since 1999 when the average life expectancy was 49.8 and 46.8 respectively. Health care is offered by both public and private practitioners and research has found that trust in health providers is a key factor in improving the uptake of health care services in rural Cambodia. The Royal Cambodian Government plans to increase the quality of healthcare in the country by raising awareness of HIV/AIDS, malaria, and other diseases. Government spending on health care corresponded to 5.8% of Cambodia's gross domestic product (GDP).

Cambodia's infant mortality rate has decreased from 115 per 1,000 live births in 1993 to 54 in 2009. In the same period, the under-five mortality rate decreased from 181 to 115 per 1,000 live births. In the province with worst health indicators, Ratanakiri, 22.9% of children die before age five.

UNICEF has designated Cambodia the third most landmined country in the world, attributing over 60,000 civilian deaths and thousands more maimed or injured since 1970 because of the unexploded land mines left behind in rural areas. The majority of the victims are children herding animals or playing in the fields. Adults that survive landmines often require amputation of one or more limbs and have to resort to begging for survival. However, the number of landmine casualties has sharply decreased, from 800 in 2005 to less than 400 in 2006 and 208 in 2007 (38 killed and 170 injured).


Various factors contribute to the Cambodian culture including Theravada Buddhism, Hinduism, French colonialism, Angkorian culture, and modern globalization. The Cambodian Ministry of Culture and Fine Arts is responsible for promoting and developing Cambodian culture. Cambodian culture not only includes the culture of the lowland ethnic majority, but also some 20 culturally distinct hill tribes colloquially known as the Khmer Loeu, a term coined by Norodom Sihanouk to encourage unity between the highlanders and lowlanders. Rural Cambodians wear a krama scarf which is a unique aspect of Cambodian clothing. The sampeah is a traditional Cambodian greeting or a way of showing respect to others. Khmer culture, as developed and spread by the Khmer empire, has distinctive styles of dance, architecture and sculpture, which have been exchanged with neighbouring Laos and Thailand throughout history. Angkor Wat (Angkor means "city" and Wat "temple") is the best preserved example of Khmer architecture from the Angkorian era along with hundreds of other temples that have been discovered in and around the region.

Traditionally, the Khmer people have a unique method of recording information on Tra leaves. Tra leaf books record legends of the Khmer people, the Ramayana, the origin of Buddhism and other prayer book series. They are greatly taken care of and wrapped in cloth to protect from moisture and the climate.

Bon Om Teuk (Festival of Boat Racing), the annual boat rowing contest, is the most attended Cambodian national festival. Held at the end of the rainy season when the Mekong river begins to sink back to its normal levels allowing the Tonle Sap River to reverse flow, approximately 10% of Cambodia's population attends this event each year to play games, give thanks to the moon, watch fireworks, dine, and attend the boat race in a carnival-type atmosphere. Popular games include cockfighting, soccer, and kicking a sey, which is similar to a footbag. Based on the classical Indian solar calendar and Theravada Buddhism, the Cambodian New Year is a major holiday that takes place in April. Recent artistic figures include singers Sinn Sisamouth and Ros Sereysothea (and later Meng Keo Pichenda), who introduced new musical styles to the country.


Rice is the staple grain, as in other Southeast Asian countries. Fish from the Mekong and Tonle Sap rivers is also an important part of the diet. The supply of fish and fish products for food and trade in 2000 was 20 kilograms per person or 2?ounces per day per person. Some of the fish can be made into prahok for longer storage. The cuisine of Cambodia contains tropical fruits, soups and noodles. Key ingredients are kaffir lime, lemon grass, garlic, fish sauce, soy sauce, curry, tamarind, ginger, oyster sauce, coconut milk and black pepper. Some delicacies are(????????) (Num Bunhjok), (?????) (Amok), (?????) (Ah Ping).

French influence on Cambodian cuisine includes the Cambodian red curry with toasted baguette bread. The toasted baguette pieces are dipped in the curry and eaten. Cambodian red curry is also eaten with rice and rice vermicelli noodles. Probably the most popular dine out dish, ka tieu, is a pork broth rice noodle soup with fried garlic, scallions, green onions that may also contain various toppings such as beef balls, shrimp, pork liver or lettuce. The cuisine is relatively unknown to the world compared to that of its neighbours Thailand and Vietnam.


Football is one of the more popular sports, although professional organized sports are not as prevalent in Cambodia as in western countries because of the economic conditions. Football was brought to Cambodia by the French and became popular with the locals. The Cambodia national football team managed fourth in the 1972 Asian Cup, but development has slowed since the civil war. Western sports such as volleyball, bodybuilding, field hockey, rugby union, golf, and baseball are gaining popularity. Native sports include traditional boat racing,buffalo racing, Pradal Serey, Khmer traditional wrestling and Bokator. Cambodia first participated in the Olympics during the 1956 Summer Olympic Games sending equestrian riders. Cambodia also hosted the GANEFO Games, the alternative to the Olympics, in the 1960s.


Cambodian dance can be divided into three main categories: Khmer classical dance, folk dance, and social dances.


Traditional Cambodian music dates back as far as the Khmer Empire. Royal dances like the Apsara Dance are icons of the Cambodian culture. Popular types of dances are Romvong, commonly danced at festivals. The Classic Music Era of Cambodia was during the 1960s to the 1970s featuring notable singers Sinn Sisamouth and Ros Sereysothea. However, during the Khmer Rouge Revolution many classic and popular singers of the 60s and 70s died of execution, starvation, or overwork.


As Cambodia continues to grow, so does its connection to the world. There are numerous places where internet is available for public use, such as coffee shops, bars, restaurants and petrol stations. Through the use of USB modems and internet capabilities on cell phones, many Cambodians are connecting with the outside world.

The Internet connection in both metropolitan and rural areas of Cambodia is still quite expensive when compared to developed countries such as the US or Australia. A basic connection of 512 kbit/s can cost upwards of $100 per month with line and modem rental. These connections are considered as "premium" in Cambodia but would be considered out of date in more technologically advanced countries.

The increased connection to the internet has created the desire for more websites focused on Cambodia. Because of the literacy rate in Cambodia, the issue arises of whether Cambodia-focused sites need to be in English or Khmer. English is the predominant language of the internet, and the majority of internet users in Cambodia are able to understand English, but with the use of Khmer Unicode more sites have the capability to provide Khmer language versions.


The civil war and neglect severely damaged Cambodia's transport system, but with assistance and equipment from other countries Cambodia has been upgrading the main highways to international standards and most are vastly improved from 2006. Most main roads are now paved.

Cambodia has two rail lines, totalling about 612 kilometers (380?mi) of single, one?meter?gauge track. The lines run from the capital to Sihanoukville on the southern coast, and from Phnom Penh to Sisophon (although trains often run only as far as Battambang). Currently only one passenger train per week operates between Phnom Penh and Battambang.

Besides the main interprovincial traffic artery connecting Phnom Penh with Sihanoukville, resurfacing a former dirt road with concrete / asphalt and implementation of 5 major river crossings by means of bridges have now permanently connected Phnom Penh with Koh Kong, and hence there is now uninterrupted road access to neighboring Thailand and their vast road system.

Cambodia's road traffic accident rate is high by world standards. In 2004, the number of road fatalities per 10,000 vehicles was ten times higher in Cambodia than in the developed world, and the number of road deaths had doubled in the preceding three years.

The nation's extensive inland waterways were important historically in international trade. The Mekong and the Tonle Sap River, their numerous tributaries, and the Tonle Sap provided avenues of considerable length, including 3,700 kilometers (2,300?mi) navigable all year by craft drawing 0.6 meters (2?ft) and another 282 kilometers (175?mi) navigable to craft drawing 1.8 meters (6?ft). Cambodia has two major ports, Phnom Penh and Sihanoukville, and five minor ones. Phnom Penh, located at the junction of the Bassac, the Mekong, and the Tonle Sap rivers, is the only river port capable of receiving 8,000-ton ships during the wet season and 5,000-ton ships during the dry season. With increasing economic activity has come an increase in automobile and motorcycle use, though bicycles still predominate. "Cyclo" (as hand-me-down French) or Cycle rickshaws are an additional option often used by visitors. These kind of rickshaws are unique to Cambodia in that the cyclist is situated behind the passenger(s) seat, as opposed to Cycle rickshaws in neighbouring countries where the cyclist is at the front and "pulls" the carriage.

The country has four commercial airports. Phnom Penh International Airport (Pochentong) in Phnom Penh is the second largest in Cambodia. Siem Reap-Angkor International Airport is the largest and serves the most international flights in and out of Cambodia. The other airports are in Sihanoukville and Battambang.

See also

  • Outline of Cambodia
  • Index of Cambodia-related articles
  • Angkor Wat
  • Cambodian Center for Human Rights
  • References

    External links

    ;Government King of Cambodia, Norodom Sihanouk Official website of former King Norodom Sihanouk Official Royal Government of Cambodia Website (English Version)
  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation
  • Ministry of Tourism
  • Cambodia e-Visa, Applying Travel Visa Online
  • Chief of State and Cabinet Members
  • Civil Society

  • Cambodian Human Rights and Development Association (ADHOC)
  • Cambodian Center for Human Rights (CCHR)
  • Cambodian League for the Promotion and Defense of Human Rights (LICADHO)
  • Global Integrity Report: Cambodia Cambodia Integrity Scorecard and Country Report
  • Action IEC Working For Cambodian Community Education Through Media and Culture
  • Freedom in the World 2011: Cambodia
  • Freedom of the Press 2011: Cambodia
  • ; General information
  • Cambodia from UCB Libraries GovPubs
  • Places To Visit In Cambodia
  • Cambodia travel photography
  • Voice of Cambodia: culture, people, news
  • Key Development Forecasts for Cambodia from International Futures
  • Cambodia volunteer information
  • }}

    Category:Member states of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations Category:Constitutional monarchies Category:Countries bordering the South China Sea Category:French-speaking countries Category:Least developed countries Category:Member states of La Francophonie Category:Southeast Asian countries Category:States and territories established in 802 Category:States and territories established in 1953 Category:Member states of the United Nations

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