Friday, January 13, 2012

[TX_RPOA_E-News] Animal Rights Brigade Turns Out for Texas Breeder Licensing Meeting

>From RPOA Texas Outreach and
Responsible Pet Owners Alliance
"Animal welfare, not animal 'rights'
and, yes, there is a difference."
Crossposting is encouraged.
January 9, 2011

Texas Department of Licensing & Regulation (TDLR) held an all day Licensed
Breeder Committee Meeting Wednesday, January 4th. Archived on TDLR website
if you want to listen: . RPOA appreciates the committee
members who are donating their time and money to represent "responsible"
Texas animal owners and a pox on all "others!" We report and you decide.

The committee was told that their work on writing "rules" for implementing
HB 1451 was concluded following this meeting - at least for now. Timeline
is rules published in the Texas Register January 20th with a 30 day comment
period. Then it comes back to committee and on to TDLR Commission for final
approval. Committee's work is non-binding to TDLR so anything is possible

The committee received TDLR's 93 page draft and three working groups'
reports at the meeting so there was no time to study it beforehand.
Director Bill Kuntz said one committee member had commented that everything
was moving too fast but assured them this wasn't their "last bite of the
apple." TDLR's Enforcement Division reported working on criminal conviction

Lot of back and forth over specific wording on temperatures, flooring,
crates, etc. Steve Epperson, representing breeders on the committee (who
can't vote or make motions!) became exasperated and asked "How is a breeder
supposed to know ahead of time what is expected from them?"

"Skip" Trimble, Texas Humane Legislation Network (THLN) recipient of HSUS
and PETA national awards, was openly using hand signals to committee members
Maggie Dahl (Animal Rescue of Texas) and Sherry Ferguson (Houston Humane
Society; former THLN Board of Directors; now THLN Advisory Board Member and
TX Federation of Animal Care Societies Board Member).

"Hands on" exams were a hot topic for required costly annual veterinary
exams of each dog and cat. TDLR Chairman Frank Denton expressed
reservations. TDLR Counsel Charles Johnson responded to one member's
question that should the veterinarian do his job inappropriately with the
animals' annual examination, the breeder gets the fine. Johnson also said
"TDLR is not changing any statute" as some speakers urged.

Five of eight attendees from the Animal Rights Brigade signed up for Public
Comments. All wanted "stricter" rules than the state statute and insisted
on a Texas Attorney General ruling on the topic:
1. Robert "Skip" Trimble, legislative chair of THLN.
2. Nicole Paquette, HSUS state director for Texas.
3. Cile Holloway, THLN president.
4. Monica Hardy, THLN Executive Director.
5. Elizabeth Choate, Texas Veterinary Medical Association (TVMA), agreed
with all of the above speakers. TVMA was a partner in crime with HSUS and
THLN - writing and lobbying for passage of HB 1451. TVMA opposed the
Anti-Breeding Bill defeated in 2009 but deserted Texas dog and cat breeders
in the 2011 Texas Legislative Session.

Their goal is perfectly clear: Legislate and regulate all animal use,
breeding and ownership out of existence. Question is: Doesn't TVMA know
this? New Hampshire now faces similar legislation - to become the next
notch on the HSUS belt. We'll keep you informed. Please support RPOA
financially on the websites below as we're David fighting Goliath with a
slingshot. Are your animals worth it?
Subscribe to this announcement only email list to stay informed regarding
all Texas animal issues by emailing:
Donate with PayPal or mail in:
Our statewide membership includes concerned "John Q" Pet Owners with all
species of pets (mixed breeds/purebreds); dog, cat, bird clubs from all
national registries; cat and dog fanciers/exhibitors; all species rescuers
and breeders; veterinarians; veterinary technicians; sportsmen;
working/hunting dog breed clubs and individual owners; search & rescue dog
owners; therapy dog owners; guide dog owners; show dog handlers; pet
sitters; dog trainers; pet groomers; boarding kennels and many other animal


pasadena pasadena famu famu martina mcbride terry jones andy reid

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