Monday, January 23, 2012

Video: Quick-thinking girl, 9, escapes captor

>>> first, there's a very happy ending to the story of 59-year-old girl who was abducted in pueblo, colorado. from sheer spunk he got away from her kidnapper by running to gas station , called 911, and then standing her ground. nbc 's george lewis has the story.

>> reporter: 9-year-old callista cordova showed amazing grit in getting away from the man who kidnapped her. her mom first reported her when she failed to come home from school thursday afternoon.

>> this is everyone's worst nightmare to have a child an ducted, never knowing if it's going to be bad news.

>> reporter: an amber alert went out. then a break in the case. police say calista and her alleged abductor were picked up in colorado springs by a motorist at the scene of an aparjts traffic accident. he dropped them off at this convenience store . she ran inside and dialed 911.

>> it was when she was on the phone that he came in looking for her.

>> witnesses say then the little girl stood her ground.

>> she looked at me, pointed in my eyes and said i'm not going nowhere . i'm waiting for my mama.

>> reporter: police identified him as jose garcia , a suspect in an alleged molestation of another girl. when she refused to go with him, he fled.

>> the guy looked at me, spun around and spun it out of there.

>> reporter: calista 's mom was overjoyed when she found her daughter was alive. calista was taken to the hospital with two black eyes , a cut on her lip and a bruise on her face and a short time later police took the suspected kidnapper garcia into custody. he has not yet been charged. police are praising calista for her courage and her smarts.

>> for her to have done whatever she did to stay alive was wonderful. and then today to seek help, save heard life.

>> reporter: and the whole community is thankful that she's back safe with her family. for "today," george lewis , nbc new, los angeles .

>>> clint van zandt is a former fbi criminal profiler and an nbc analyst. hi, clint .

>> hi, amy . great story, isn't it?

>> it is. it's a rare one. when you talk about child kidnapping cases this is rarely the outcome, correct?

>> it is correct. when we have these cases statistics unfortunately show that one in five children get back. we lose a child about every three days in the united states to kidnap, assault, and murder. so in a case like this, you've got to do what you've got to do to survive.

>> and the alleged kidnapper jose garcia is currently in custody. what will investigators be doing next and what possible charges could he be facing?

>> one of the things is this womt woent be the first time this guy has done stuff like this. he's going have situations in the past. the authorities will obviously put their case together concerned the current victim. he'll look at him as a suspect in any other similar- type case that's happened across the entire state. this is a guy when you have a predator like this, you want to make sure you've about got a good case and that he doesn't have a chance to get out and reoh fend.

>> we know the police reported he may have been a suspect in specifically another alleged molestation case involving a different girl, but i think they all went to the same school. what do police know? how do they connect the dots?

>> they're going to be working with this particular witness, they're going to be working with the vehicle. again, this is an amazing story. 20 hours she's back again. but she's back because she was brave. as you say, just the tenacity that she exhibited because even though she was victimized, she wasn't going to be a victim.

>> right. and, clint , it's interesting. calista really chose her moment. she was picked up by another motorist. she didn't say anything then. when she ran into the convenience store , she asked the store clerk to call her uncle and then she called 911. she was really smart in choosing her moment.

>> sometimes in these cases, amy , you get one chance to survive, and at 9 years old to have the wisdom to look for the opportunity, you know, there are things that children can do to escape a predator, but many times you get that a deer in the headlight look. this little girl didn't do it. she used her head. she's alive today.

>> parents at home, i know, watching the story could be a good jumping off point to talk to my kids about what to do if this were to ever happen and how to avoid this happening in the first place. what would you say to therm in terms of vice?

>> a number of quick points. never lehtonen take youlingly. always fight. always yell. number two, when somebody pulls up in a car and they're trying to get you to get in the car, if the car's pointing left, you run right. that makes that car turn around 180 degrees to go after you. number, 3, if somebody's got you in the custody and control, don't yell. don't yell and scream. yell, this is not my father, this is not my mother. if you're in a grocery store or convenience store and the subjects are there, start knocking things off the shelf. draw as much attention as you can. don't let yourself be a willing victim. amy , even on a website live request we give away a free dvd proaffecting children from predators. every children need to know what to share with our children so when that terrible time might come, they know what to do. they're not frozen in fear, but you and i have taught our children how to react. and as long as they're able to do that, as long as they're able to react like this little girl did, choose the right moment, we're going to get our children back, and we're going to have success stories instead of the ones that you and lester and i talk about so many times where we don't get a child back.

>> clint , great tips. thank you so much. we appreciate it.


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