Friday, July 1, 2011

Dating Advice For Women: The Top 5 Ways To Reclaim Your Power in ...

Two of the most common complaints I here from single woman are ?I don?t know what to do? and ?I don?t know where to go to meet a great guy?. If I had a nickel for every time I heard a single woman utter one of these two phrases I?d be having lunch with Donald Trump regularly.

The truth is many women don?t know what to do or where to go because they have never been taught how to put themselves in position to win the dating game.

Yes, I called it the dating game because that?s exactly what it is.

Now before you let your emotions take hold of you please hear me out.

When I say dating is a game what I mean is that there are certain rules of what works and what doesn?t. The more a person understands the rules and the better they get at improving their skills the easier it will be for them to put themselves in position to win.

I don?t care if it?s monopoly, bowling or finding the love of your life. Everything in life has certain rules by which things work.

There are two major problems when it comes to the rules of the dating game. The first is that the rules are not written down and are understood by only a few. The second is that no one ever taught us how to play the game properly.

Because we were never taught how to play the dating game properly we get caught up in our emotions and put ourselves in position to fail more often than we succeed.

I can understand.

For years I hated dating. In fact every time a relationship ended that I was in I was more upset that I had to go back into the dating scene than I was over the demise of the relationship.

I would rather have a red hot poker put in my eye than subject myself to the mental anguish of being single and dating.

I felt that way for a long time until I realized the only reason I sucked at dating was because I never learned how to do it right.

Once I discovered that there were certain unwritten rules and that there were things I could do to make the game easier and more enjoyable, my dating life completely changed.

I went from hating dating and having a hard time finding good quality dates to having a blast and having more dates than I could handle.

And what was really cool was I was attracting the types of people that I was looking for. Did an occasional psycho fly under my radar? Absolutely. But because I now understood and was good at the dating game I was able to recognize them almost immediately.

As a result of my new understanding and skills I was able to meet the love of my life in less than 3 months.

As a result of my experience I have made a list of the top 5 things you must do if you want to reclaim your power in the dating game. By following these 5 steps, not only will dating become much easier, but it will be a lot more fun.

1) Take Responsibility- If you want to improve your dating you must first take responsibility for the results you have been producing. If you?ve been having bad luck with men or you have been noticing that your relationships tend to crash and burn. See what it is you may be doing which could be causing the unwanted result.

This is probably the most difficult step. But as hard as it is, it is essential if you are going to succeed at the dating game.

2) Have a Clear Goal ? If you want to find and attract your ideal man you must be crystal clear on who that guy is. How will you be able to recognize the right guy when he comes along? If you aren?t sure what qualities and characteristics the guy you want to spend the rest of your life with must possess how will you ever be able to recognize him when he comes along?

3) Take Right Actions -The key to winning the dating game is to make choices and decisions which are in alignment with what it is you say you want. The actions you take will produce the results you want. If you want a great relationship you must do things which will take you closer to that goal, not further away.

As human beings we tend to make choices and decisions based on our emotions and it?s these emotional decisions that often lead us to taking actions which do not create the results we desire

4) Learn From Your Mistakes- When it comes to dating and relationships we all make mistakes. But those who move on and create great relationships are those who quickly learn from their mistakes. Our mistakes are great indicators of what to do differently, In fact, I don?t believe anything is a mistake if you learn from it.

If you want to make your dating easier and more enjoyable see what didn?t work in your past and see what you have to do differently to create the result you desire

5) Have a coach or mentor ? The greatest athletes and entertainers in the world all have coaches. Find anyone who is successful at anything in life and you will see more often than not they didn?t become successful merely by luck. They worked with coaches and mentors who helped them and guided them to success.

Working with a coach or mentor greatly cuts down the learning curve and makes the process much easier. Instead of wandering around trying to figure it all out on your work with someone that can show you the ropes.

Doing so, greatly cuts down on the number of mistakes you will make. But more importantly you will have someone to hold you accountable so that you decrease your chances of making more mistakes.

When you follow these 5 steps you will notice that dating will become easier and more enjoyable. As a result your confidence will increase and it will only be a matter of time before you create the results you desire?a happy and fulfilling long term relationship. Don?t believe it?s possible. Well, neither did I. But I?m glad I was wrong!

If you currently are struggling with your dating and relationships and you would like to find what you can do to reclaim your power in the dating game I would like to offer you a Free 45 Minute 1-on-1 phone consultation. To take advantage of this incredible send me an e-mail at

Joe Amoia is the president and founder of LifeSkilz, LLC and the creator of The Smarter Dating and Quantum Leap Ultimate Relationship Programs.


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